Highest ranking pirate of a group of five pirates

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Reference no: EM13323144

You are the highest ranking pirate of a group of five pirates which has just captured a treasure of 100 gold pieces. To divide up the treasure, the group uses the following scheme: The highest ranking pirate makes a proposal on how the treasure should be divided amongst them. Then all the pirates (including the one who made the proposal) vote on the proposal. If the proposal gets 50% or more of the vote, then it passes and the treasure is divided up according to the proposal. Otherwise, the other pirates kill the one who made the proposal, and repeat the process with the next most highly ranked pirate; no two pirates are equally ranked. Each pirate will vote to maximize the number of gold pieces he or she receives. However, each pirate will also vote against a current proposal if he or she believes they would get at least the same number of gold pieces on a future proposal.

What is the maximum number of gold pieces you can receive? Explain your answer.

Reference no: EM13323144

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