High level design for an sme network and vpn services

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Reference no: EM132215466 , Length: word count:2000

Assignment - High level design for an SME network and VPN services

Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcomes:
c. Develop architectural VPN designs for small, medium and large businesses and corporations
d. Report on the health of the existing VPN architecture, solution, data, application, and technology
e. Investigate and justify the appropriate design and solution for different organisations
f. Analyse and report on the current and future state of the management of VPN infrastructure and its technologies
g. Define a roadmap process to transform the VPN architecture to support long-term organisational goals
h. Implement a process to support the administration and the management of VPN

Assignment Description


There are two parts to this assignment, i.e. part A and part B.

A. Investigate, design and develop a suitable VPN network for an SME by addressing the following criteria. See detailed instruction in the next section.

B. Presentation

Part A description:
There are two areas to consider for VPN network design in this assignment.

1. Design a network for an SME
2. Build VPN services for the users
Contents must include:
• Introduction
• Scopes and Limitations
• Requirements (Network parts and VPN service parts)
• Solution Design
a. Logical Design
b. Physical Design
c. Network Topologies
d. IP addressing
e. Security features and Policies
f. Redundancy and Failover plans
g. VPN service implementation
• Refer the sample document included in below for network design, and consider how to implement VPN services onto the network. Do not copy the contents of the sample in your work as it is regarded as plagiarism.

Part B description:
Prepare slides (between 10 - 15 slides) for presentation during the lab class. The solution of VPN services and network design shall be presented with 15 minutes for a group during week 11 Lab class. Presentation

slides should be submitted in Moodle prior to the presentation for marking. No other options (e.g. hard copy, memory stick, website, email etc) will be considered but the presentation file submitted in Moodle.

Attachment:- Assignment 2.rar

Reference no: EM132215466

Questions Cloud

Explain how ethics play a vital role in providing feedback : Provide a description of two strategies that provide timely, meaningful, and effective feedback to students regarding their ongoing progress.
What role did feminism play in impacting the family : Discuss the similarities and differences between the "roaring twenties" and the "rebellious sixties" as eras of social change
Research business communication practices : Choose an industry and an organization that you know well and that you can use to research business communication practices.
Describe what is meant by using an audience-centered : What is the impact of perception and justification on how an organization communicates? Provide examples for each.
High level design for an sme network and vpn services : Virtual Private Networks - High level design for an SME network and VPN services - Analyse and report on the current and future state of the management
Summarizing the history of food microbiology : Write 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the history of food microbiology. Write 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the contributions of Louis Pasteur to food microbiology.
Explain how the knowledge of brain development can shape : Explain how the knowledge of brain development can shape public policy regarding quality early education programs.
What did you have difficulty understanding : Before you complete this discussion, you will need to select and complete an online epidemiologic simulation. Select one of the computer-based simulations.
Determine the five key specific needs of the organization : Identify the key internal administrative and educational stakeholders from your organization that will access.


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