Reference no: EM132219861
1. The main difference between the hierarchy of authority and direct managerial contact as integrating mechanisms is that:
a. the hierarchy of authority is generally better at managing conflict regardless of the situation.
b. direct managerial contact is more appropriate when the management of complex political and cultural issues across subunits is involved.
c. the hierarchy of authority is generally better when the problems involve dealing with complex and changing external environments.
d. direct managerial contact is generally more effective regardless of the specific circumstances.
2. The catapult systems repair crew on an aircraft carrier is responsible for repairing the system that launches the aircraft.
No two repairs are alike, and because pilots' lives are at stake, quality is imperative. Repair personnel often have to develop
creative solutions on the spot instead of depending on standard procedures. As a result, the most effective structure for this crew is:
a. an organic structure.
b. a functional structure.
c. a mechanistic structure.
d. a differentiated structure.
3. Joan Woodward, in her work on the relationship between technology and structure, found that mechanistic structures are usually chosen by organizations that use:
a. mass-production technology.
b. small-batch technology.
c. information technology.
d. automatic technology.
4. Pooled interdependence, discussed by James Thompson in his analysis of organizational technology, exists in organizations such as universities that have many academic departments and banks that have many branches.
This type of task interdependence works best with which kind of integrative mechanism?
a. standardization
b. hierarchy of authority
c. mutual adjustment
d. departmental coordination.
5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a divisional structure?
a. conflicts between the division's goals and the organization's goals may arise.
b. it often forces the company to eliminate layers of management that are really needed.
c. it is more subject to government regulation, particularly where high tech R&D is involved.
d. it is more difficult to return to a simpler design from a divisional approach than it is from a functional or matrix design.
6. The type of organization referred to as a "bureaucracy" has as its primary purpose:
a. developing routine ways for solving problems that have no clear-cut solutions.
b. finding ways to expand the jobs of employees even if it means providing less adequate service to customers.
c. to assure that public sector organizations do not do anything that is illegal.
d. the highly efficient processing of routine tasks.