Hierarchical network models for campus

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132372692

Assessment - Low-Level design and configuration of Lan, WAN and VPN network for an insurance company having main office and a branch office.

Purpose of the Assessment (with ULO mapping): The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the network for an SME (small and medium sized enterprise) proposed and designed based on the requirements. A thorough verification and evaluation analysis should be presented to meet the ULO mapping in the Unit Description.

c. Evaluate, different WAN protocols; such as HDLC, PPP, Frame Relay, DHCP, ISDN, NAT and PAT in a network environment, and configure, verify, troubleshoot related equipment;
d. Plan and design LAN and WAN networks and evaluate their performance;
e. Implement IPv4 and IPv6 in WAN networks and critically compare their designs;
f. Propose, and report on, hierarchical network models for campus and other applications;
g. Develop a systematic approach to analyse and solve various network problems.

Tasks: Assignment Description

There are two parts to this assignment, part A and part B.

Part A: Design and Report

Two broad areas to be considered for VPN network design in this assignment are as under;
1. Propose/design a VPN for the scenario given below including LAN and WAN settings.
2. Configure and implement the network at low-level design, this part should be done using CISCO Packet Tracer.
Contents must include:
High-level network design summary Solution Design
i. Network Topologies
ii. IP addressing
iii. Configuration details and screenshots to present low-level design
iv. Verification methodologies and evaluation analysis


Suppose you are a large home owner's insurance company based in Melbourne and you just opened a new branch in Sydney. Your Sydney branch needs to access the customer database from the Melbourne headquarters. You want to make sure the information being transferred is secure because the database contains confidential information about your customers such as, names, addresses, and phone numbers. You decide to connect both branches over the internet using a virtual private network (VPN). Both branches are behind a firewall and are using network address translation (NAT) to hide their unregistered private IP addresses behind a set of registered IP addresses. However, VPN connections have some well known incompatibilities with NAT. A VPN connection discards packets sent through a NAT device because NAT changes the IP address in the packet, thereby invalidating the packet. However, you can still use a VPN connection with NAT if you implement UDP encapsulation.

In this scenario, the private IP address from the Sydney network is put in a new IP header and gets translated when it goes through Firewall C (see following image). Then, when the packet reaches the Firewall D, it will translate the destination IP address to the IP address of System E, therefore the packet will be forwarded to System E. Finally, when the packet reaches System E it strips off the UDP header, leaving the original IPSec packet, which will now pass all validations and allow a secure VPN connection.


In this scenario, a large insurance company wants to establish a VPN between a gateway in Sydney (Client) and a host in Melbourne (Server) when both networks are behind a firewall.
The objectives of this scenario are as follows:
• The Sydney branch gateway always initiates the connection to the Melbourne host.
• The VPN must protect all data traffic between the Sydney gateway and the Melbourne host.
• Allow all users in the Sydney gateway to access a System i database located in the Melbourne network over a VPN connection.


The following figure illustrates the network characteristics of Melbourne and Sydney setup:


Figure-1: Sigma Inc. Office configuration, Source: [1]

Sydney Network - Client
• Gateway B runs onIBM i Version 5 Release 4 (V5R4), or later.
• Gateway B connects to the internet with IP address and is the connection end point of the VPN tunnel. Gateway B performs IKE negotiations and applies UDP encapsulation to outgoing IP datagrams.
• Gateway B and PC A is in subnet with mask
• PC A is the source and destination for data that flows through the VPN connection, therefore it is the data endpoint of the VPN tunnel.
• Only Gateway B can initiate the connection with System E.
• Firewall C has a Masq NAT rule with the public IP address of that hides the IP address of Gateway B.

Melbourne Network - Server
• System E runs on IBM i Version 5 Release 4 (V5R4), or later.
• System E has an IP address of
• System E is the responder for this scenario.
• Firewall D has and IP address of
• Firewall D has a Static NAT rule that maps the public IP ( to the private IP of System E ( Therefore, from the clients perspective the IP address of System E is the public IP address ( of Firewall D.

Configuration tasks
You must complete each of these tasks to configure the business to business connection described in this scenario:

Completing the planning worksheets
The following planning checklists illustrate the type of information you need before you begin configuring the VPN. All answers on the prerequisite checklist must be YES before you proceed with VPN setup.

Configuring VPN on Gateway B
Complete the following steps to configure a VPN connection on Gateway B.

Configuring VPN on System E
Complete the following steps to configure a VPN connection on System E.

Starting Connection
After you have configured your VPN connection on System E you need to start your VPN connection.

Testing the connection
After you finish configuring both Gateway B and System E and you have successfully started the VPN servers, test the connectivity to ensure that both systems can communicate with each other.

Attachment:- Advanced Networking.rar

Reference no: EM132372692

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9/19/2019 1:49:32 AM

Presentation and Slides Proper writing and drawings and slide professionally presented Properly written and drawing, with some minor deficiencies Mostly good, but some structure or presentation problems


9/19/2019 1:49:24 AM

Grade Mark HD 80%+ D 70%-79% Excellent Very Good Report Quality Very high quality report with detailed explanation of all the sections/steps of the activity covered High quality report with most of the details and explanation of all the sections/steps presented Low Level Design All elements are present and well integrated. Components present with good cohesion Screenshots and procedures (steps, commands, results) Clear and meaningful screen shots for the simulations presented with all the necessary captions Fair and generally well presented screen shots for the simulations presented with major captions


9/19/2019 1:49:14 AM

2 Low Level Design Multiple figures and tables should be included to show the requirements development. All sections need to be in line with the high-level design proposed in assignment 1. Any changes made should be addressed properly and clearly by ‘Change request’ section. 5 3 Screenshots and procedures (steps, commands, results) This section should include appropriate commands executed and results. There must be heading and steps with proper explanation, e.g. the purpose of the steps and expected outcome. 10 4 Analysis and Evaluation Include a section for results analysis and evaluate the outcome of the implementation of the network. Critical analysis and evaluation should be addressed. 5 TASK B Presentation and Slides Presentation (3 marks) Slides (2 marks) 5


9/19/2019 1:49:06 AM

The proposed network design will be presented in a 5-minute presentation during the week 12 Lab class. Presentation slides should be submitted in Moodle prior to the presentation for marking. No other options (hard copy, memory stick, website and email) will be considered but the presentation file submitted in Moodle. Marks will be given as below: Presentation (3 marks) Slides (2 marks) Marking Guide: TASK A No Categories Description Marks 1 Report Quality The document should include all necessary headings and content to depict a Level 2 (e.g. Ethernet, VPWS, VPLS) and Level 3 (e.g. VPRN) services and network design. It should not omit any necessary section to be used for network evaluation. 5


9/19/2019 1:48:56 AM

Marking criteria: Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, taking the following aspects into account: Aspects Description Identification and analysis and description Correctly identification, appropriateness, discussion Explanation/justification Description and justification Presentation and diagrams Structure, presentation, formatting, writing Reference style Correct referencing style is required, if applicable Plagiarism Copying from another student, copying from internet sources/textbook, copying from other sources without proper acknowledgement.


9/19/2019 1:48:43 AM

Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of each page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. MS WORD file type is used for submission in Moodle. No ‘zipped’ files or other types must be used.

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