HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assignment Problem

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132378715 , Length: word count:3500

Unit Code - HI5020
Unit Title - Corporate Accounting
Trimester T2 2019
Assessment Type Individual Assignment

Qualifications and experiences that employers seek from Corporate Accountants

Assignment Specifications

This assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on what qualifications and experiences employers seek from Corporate Accountants. Students will have to search and collect a significant number of job advertisements posted by employers in the electronic or print media or in the job search portals throughput the first 8 weeks of their trimester. Based on the collected job advertisements, they will have answer a series of questions and evaluate the qualifications and experiences sought in those advertisements with the learnings objectives, outcomes and contents of the subject.

Assessment task:

Collect as many job advertisements as possible on the position of ‘corporate accountant', ‘corporate and management accountant' ‘senior accountant', ‘tax accountant', ‘corporate financial accountant' ‘corporate financial and management accountant', ‘accountant corporate finance', ‘senior financial accountant' ‘senior accountant: tax and corporate reporting' or any other similar positions published by Australian employers in electronic or print media or in job search portals (such as seek, Jora, Indeed etc.) from the first week of the Trimester to the week 7 of the Trimester.

Based on your collected advertisements, do the following tasks:

1. How many job advertisements you have collected in total? How many job advertisements you have collected from each sources.

2. Lists the name of the organisations posting the job advertisements and show the industry breakdown of the organisations posting the job advertisements.

3. List all the job titles mentioned in the advertisements that you have collected.

4. List all the personal attributes required from a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job advertisements that you have collected.

5. List all the personal attributes required from a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job advertisements that you have collected with your detailed understanding of each of the attributes.

6. List all the academic and professional qualifications of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the advertisements that you have collected.

7. Based on the key roles, tasks, responsibilities identified from your collected job advertisements, how those key roles, tasks or responsibilities are related to the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting.

8. What additional topics, attributes or learnings outcomes are missing from your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting that are listed on the job advertisement.

9. Critically examine the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant. Also critically evaluate how the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting have helped you in gaining the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant.

Assignment Structure should be as the following:

Abstract - One paragraph List of Content Introduction
Body of the assignment with detailed answer on each of the required tasks Summary/Conclusion
List of references

Note: The minimum number of job advertisement that you need to collect and analyze for the assignment of this subject is 30. You can collect and analyze as many as possible but If you have analyzed at least 30 job advertisements we will consider you have fulfilled the requirement in terms of collection of job advertisements.

Reference no: EM132378715

Questions Cloud

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What are the practical examples for proportionate : What are the practical examples for proportionate and disproportionate stratified random sampling on electronic health records. Please give one example each and
HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assignment Problem : HI5020 Corporate Accounting Assignment help and solution, Holmes Institute, Qualifications and experiences that employers seek from Corporate Accountants
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Transformational leadership and transactional leadership : Briefly describe the differences between these two styles and give an example of when each style might be appropriate?
Write a positive nice comment to student response : Discussion Assignment - Please write a positive nice comment to this student response, in 200 words with 1 APA reference
Discuss the entity and industry and economy-level factors : When planning the audit, the auditor needs to gain an understanding of the entity's structure and its business environment.



9/30/2019 12:18:30 AM

Critically examine An excellent the skills, discussion on the experience and skills, experience attributes needed and attributes to become a needed to corporate become a accountant. Also corporate critically evaluate accountant. The how the topics that discussion is you have learned in informed by the your MPA unit job HI5020 Corporate advertisements Accounting have analysed. Have helped you in provided gaining the skills, excellent experience and discussion linking attributes needed the skills, to become a experience and corporate attributes accountant. learned in HI5020 Corporate Accounting


9/30/2019 12:18:24 AM

What additional Excellent topics, attributes or discussions on learnings outcomes the limitations of are missing from MPA Unit HI5020 your MPA unit Corporate HI5020 Corporate Accounting. Have Accounting that are identified the listed on the job topics that need advertisement. to be added or What needs to be omitted with added or what excellent needs to be informed omitted? reasoning provided in line with the job advertisements.


9/30/2019 12:18:16 AM

List all the academic and professional qualifications of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the advertisements that you have collected. All the academic and professional qualifications required for a corporate accountants have been identified and listed being informed by the job advertisements. All the academic and professional qualifications required for a corporate accountants have been identified and listed. Based on the key roles, tasks, responsibilities identified from your collected job advertisements, how those key roles, tasks or responsibilities are related to the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting. Have demonstrated an excellent understanding of the relation of the topics included in the MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting with the key roles, tasks or responsibilities of a corporate Accountant identified from the job advertisements. Have demonstrated a very good understanding of the relation of the topics included in the MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting with the key roles, tasks or responsibilities of a corporate Accountant identified from the job advertisements.


9/30/2019 12:18:06 AM

List all the key roles, tasks, responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the advertisements that you have collected and analysed. A good number of key roles, tasks or responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job advertisements have been identified. Detailed explanations have been provided for each of the identified roles, tasks or responsibilities. A good number of key roles, tasks or responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job advertisements have been identified. Explanation has been provided for a few of the identified roles, tasks or responsibilities.


9/30/2019 12:17:50 AM

List all the job titles In the All the relevant mentioned in the advertisement, titles have been advertisements that corporate identified and you have collected. accountants may listed. be identified under different titles. All the relevant titles have been identified and listed. List all the personal A good number A good number attributes required of personal of personal from a corporate attributes attributes accountant that required to be a required to be a have been corporate corporate mentioned in the accountant have accountant have job advertisements been identified been identified that you have from the job from the job collected with your advertisements advertisements. detailed with detail Explanation of a understanding of explanation of few attributes each of the each attribute. have been attributes. provided.


9/30/2019 12:17:43 AM

Excellent Very Good How many job A large number A large number advertisements you of job of job have collected in advertisements advertisements total? How many have been have been job advertisements analysed with analysed. you have collected identification of Sources of these from each sources. sources of each advertisements individual have been advertisements mentioned without individual identification Lists the name of The organisations The organisation the organisations posting the job posting the job posting the job advertisement advertisement advertisements and has been listed has been listed. show the industry with their detail Industry break- breakdown of the industry break down has been organisations down shown. attempted but posting the job not complete. advertisements.


9/30/2019 12:17:35 AM

List all the key roles, tasks, responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the advertisements that you have collected and analysed. 4% List all the academic and professional qualifications of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the advertisements that you have collected. 2% Based on the key roles, tasks, responsibilities identified from your collected job advertisements, how those key roles, tasks or responsibilities are related to the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting. 5% What additional topics, attributes or learnings outcomes are missing from your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting that are listed on the job advertisement. 3% Critically examine the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant. Also critically evaluate how the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit HI5020 Corporate Accounting have helped you in gaining the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant. 5% Conclusion 1% TOTAL Weight 30%


9/30/2019 12:17:27 AM

Marking criteria Marking criteria Weighting Abstract 1% List of content & overall presentation of the assignment 1% Introduction 1% How many job advertisements you have collected in total? How many job advertisements you have collected from each sources. 1% Lists the name of the organisations posting the job advertisements and show the industry breakdown of the organisations posting the job advertisements. 2% List all the job titles mentioned in the advertisements that you have collected. 2% List all the personal attributes required from a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job advertisements that you have collected with your detailed understanding of each of the attributes. 2%


9/30/2019 12:17:18 AM

Due Date Assignment submission: Final Submission of individual Assignment: Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by the lecturer prior to the assessment deadline. Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.

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