Heavily influenced by plato and by platonic doctrines

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Reference no: EM133284082

1. Other than being a great and influential intellectual during his time, Locke was also _______ by trade that also influenced his notions on philosophy.

2. This is a group of people who were heavily influenced by Plato and by the Platonic doctrines?

3. This is a system of thought that believes that reality and everything in it are constituted by two important things?

4.  After the collapse of the Roman Empire, who is responsible for continuing on the Platonic tradition?

5. What is the 1st principle of the Father of Modern Philosophy in latin?

6.  Complete the idea: matter +________=__________?

7. For Locke, a ________ is is a thinking, intelligent being who has the abilities to reason and to reflect.

8.  For Plato, when we learn new things it's not actually learning new things, rather it is__________

9. For the Father of Modern Philosophy, everything can be subjected to doubting except the indubitable ____________

10. For Plato, the TRUTH lies in the ?

11.  What were the two schools of thoughts present during the modern epoch that tried to provide a different perspective about reality and how one arrives at knowledge?

12.  For Socrates, Man is essentially constituted by two things one__________ and two_________?

13. Who is the father of Modern Philosophy?

14. This concept believes that individual organisms consists of matter and form, which can only exist in relation to one another?

15. In Platonic Philosophy, the _____________ is that which is real, unchangeable, indivisible, and likely to be the source of reason. And, the ____________ is the unfortunate accident met by that which is real, unchangeable, indivisible, and likely to be the source of reason causing it to forget its natural state?

16. If Plato heavily influenced Augustine, then who heavily influenced Aquinas?

Reference no: EM133284082

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