Healthcare management final assessment instructionsthe four

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Reference no: EM13568420

Final Assessment Instructions <br/> <br/>The four basic functional components of the U.S. health care delivery system include <br/>• financing, <br/>• insurance, <br/>• delivery; and <br/>• quality. <br/> <br/>Review four (4) DIFFERENT pieces of new [2013-2014 ONLY] or pending legislation related to health care at the local, state, or federal level, one for each of the four components [One legislation for finance, one different legislation for insurance, one different legislation for delivery, and one different legislation for quality] of the U.S. health care delivery system. NOTE: DO NOT include the Obama Healthcare Plan! <br/> <br/>Be sure to include the name and number of the Bill, plus who, when, what, and why of EACH chosen piece of legislation for the four [finance, insurance, delivery, quality] components: <br/>• The BILL: BOTH the Name and Bill/legislation number, <br/>• The WHO introduced the legislation [Complete name of person NOT organization or lobbyist], <br/>• The WHEN it was proposed or enacted [complete date within the Year of 2013-2014 ONLY], <br/>• The WHAT the legislation is about, and <br/>• The WHY this legislation is needed. <br/> <br/>RE-STATE and then Answer the 2 follow up questions: <br/>1. Which of these components is more important than the other three? Why? <br/>2. What type of organization would best lobby for your chosen component? Why? <br/> <br/>MAXIMUM length: 8 pages. <br/>Be sure to LABEL each section and include an introduction, conclusion and appropriate sources properly cited and referenced. See rubric for specific details. <br/> <br/> <br/>FYI: A table or chart format is recommended but not required.

Reference no: EM13568420

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