Reference no: EM13767722
The U.S. health care delivery system is often described as a kaleidoscope, puzzle, or patchwork quilt-descriptions that emphasize the fact that health care delivery in this country involves multiple, loosely coordinated components, and does not function through one integrated system. The organization and structure of this "system" have a tremendous impact on the delivery of services. As such, health care professionals, consumers, advocates, and policy makers face tough choices with regard to health care costs, quality, and access.
To prepare for this Application Assignment:
Consider how the structure and organization of the U.S. health care system affects delivery of services.
Reflect on the interrelationships between and among health care costs, quality, and access in this country.
Bring to mind a specific example that illustrates potential trade-offs.
To complete this Application Assignment, write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses a specific situation or issue that illustrates the trade-offs involved in decisions related to cost, quality, and access. Be sure that your paper includes answers to the following questions:
How could current and future efforts to contain costs affect quality and access?
How might measures to ensure the provision of high-quality care influence costs and accessibility?
How could efforts to promote universal access to care impact cost and quality?
How can the structure and organization of the U.S. health care delivery system bring about or impact cost, quality, and access to health care.
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