Healthcare administrator of local hospice

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133095148

The theme of this assignment is the application: using ethical principles and processes within a biblical worldview to manage a difficult ethical dilemma. The purpose of the assignment is to bring together key course concepts within a biblical worldview through analysis, synthesis, and application to resolve a contemporary dilemma facing a hospice administrator.

Traditionally, hospices have been opposed to PAS (physician-assisted suicide). The statement below reflects an example of this opposition.

Statement on Assisted Suicide 

High Peaks Hospice & Palliative Care must be in solidarity with those who suffer, affirming the sacredness of each life, serving as a reassuring and consoling presence and a trusted guardian of the patient's deepest values.

High Peaks Hospice & Palliative Care believes that mercy should lie at the heart of how we care for the dying and that a central ingredient for that mercy is compassion for suffering from the patient.

A decision of physician-assisted suicide is the abandonment of that mercy, is dehumanizing, and is incompatible with the healing role of physicians and with the accepted code of medical ethics.

A plea for physician-assisted suicide is a plea for better care, compassion, meaning for life, and the humanization of life's end. The appropriate response to that plea is to intensify care and intensify the assessment of sources of physical, emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual distress. It is through such an integrated approach to end-of-life care that fears and suffering are eased, personal growth and preparation for death can occur, and desire for a hastened death can be minimized. ("Statement about Physician-Assisted Suicide", n.d.)

(Much other current literature is available on this ethical issue.)

Directions for the Final Assignment:

  • You are the healthcare administrator of "Local Hospice."
  • A Local Hospice inpatient, M.J., has decided to choose PAS after intense discussion with his brother, an activist in the euthanasia movement. The patient claims he has a right to die in a manner of his own choosing and that Local Hospice can neither ethically deny him that right nor discharge him.
  • Your hospices' medical director and entire nursing staff refuse to participate in or support PAS, should it occur at Local Hospice and they have threatened to resign. They claim that there is no need for PAS; that this patient is getting the finest hospice care and is currently pain-free, but he is just trying to drum up support for PAS.
  • The Board of Directors of Local Hospice expects that this issue will be resolved in a manner that reflects a biblical worldview consistent with Local Hospice's Christian ethics and values.
  • The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in your community has threatened in the local press to boycott and sue your organization if you deny your patient's right to die as he chooses.

Reference no: EM133095148

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