Reference no: EM133267541
Question 1.
1. What are some of the health risks associated with smoking marijuana?
2. What are some of the features of the Monitoring the Future survey that make it such an authoritative source on teen drug use in America?
3. How do social psychologists explain the family influence on teens who take drugs?
4. What is the meaning of gateway drug? Give one or two examples.
5. What does the research say about the role of gangs in dealing drugs?
6. List the most important problem and delinquent behaviors associated with drug selling.
7. Why is multisystemic therapy such an effective treatment for juveniles with substance abuse problems?
8. List the pros and cons of a harm reduction approach to reducing drug use.
Question 2.
1. What are the most important risk factors that early delinquency prevention programs should target?
2. What does public opinion research conclude about delinquency prevention?
3. List the key factors behind the effectiveness of the Nurse-Family Partnership program.
4. How do you explain why some mentoring programs work and others do not?
5. What is the intake procedure in juvenile court?
6. Does the right to receive the Miranda warning apply to juveniles?
7. What does the research evidence say about juvenile drug courts?
8. What are some of the potential benefits of teen courts?
Question 3.
1. When were the first police departments formed in American cities?
2. What are some of the major role conflicts that police may experience in dealing with juvenile offenders?
3. Discuss how police currently deal with juvenile offenders; for example, what percent of juvenile arrests are referred to juvenile court?
4. What conditions must be met for an officer to make an arrest for a felony offense?
5. When can the police conduct warrantless searches?
6. Explain procedural justice and give an example of how it is used by the police.
7. What does the research say about police discrimination against minority youths?
8. What are the four steps that serve as the foundation to problem-oriented policing?
Question 4.
1. What are some of the key duties of the juvenile court judge?
2. What are some of the most important factors for detaining a youth once he or she is taken into custody by the police?
3. What is the purpose of the intake process?
4. Under what conditions is it possible to transfer juveniles to adult court?
5. When is a predisposition report used?
6. What is the most widely used disposition in juvenile court?
7. What are blended sentences?
8. When is it possible to appeal a juvenile court case?
Question 5.
1. How does community treatment differ from institutional treatment?
2. What were some of the key events that led to probation becoming a mandatory part of the court structure in 1890?
3. How has the use of juvenile probation changed in recent years?
4. Aside from probation, what are the main community based alternatives to incarceration?
5. What are the key explanations for the wide variation in state-level juvenile custody rates?
6. Why do African American juvenile offenders have such high custody rates?
7. What are some of the key barriers to providing correctional treatment services for female juvenile offenders?
8. What is the purpose of reentry services for juvenile offenders?