Health insurance portability and accountability act

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133397347


1. What phenomenon spurred the creation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

concerns around the security of EHRs

a massive data breach event

protests from concerned patients

a trend of physicians sharing individual patient data with the public

2. Which is the most common, best practice of informed consent?

express verbal consent

implied written consent

express written consent

inferred written consent

3. What is a reason a patient may not be able to provide consent for treatment? Select all that apply.

The patient does not like the doctor.

The patient does not understand the full implications of the information being provided.

The patient cannot see the consent form.

The patient does not have the cognitive capacity to make decisions about personal health care.

4. What is a potential direct consequence of failing to comply with HIPAA? Select all that apply.

patient embarrassment

imprisonment of the physician

poor quality of care for the patient

significant fines for the physician

5. Collecting patient data is an ancient medical practice.



6. Which is a circumstance when implied consent may be used?

The patient is a child and his or her parent is not around to provide consent for an elective medical procedure.

A patient is in surgery and an unexpected complication arises that requires an immediate procedure that the patient is not conscious to provide consent.

The patient is still unconscious from a medical procedure and the physician decides an elective procedure should be done.

The patient is in a doctor's office with a minor health condition and does not understand the language, but the physician proccedes with administering the procedure.

7. When might disclosure of health care information be necessary for public health and safety? Select all that apply.

A patient is injured from a bullet wound and the perpetrator is not in custody.

A patient has food poisoning and public health officials are trying to determine the source of the outbreak.

There is an outbreak of a unique strain of influenza and a patient tests positive.

A patient is experiencing negative side effects from a medication

8. Which is an example of a typical legal case that may use medical records?

A physician feels like he or she has been harassed at work by another hospital employee and files suit against the hospital due to improper response from human resources.

A person is filing for divorce and wants full custody of their children.

A family member feels the patient's condition was neglected while in the hospital and decides to exercise the right to file a suit against the hospital.

Two individuals were in a car accident and neither was significantly injured.

9. Implied consent is captured in a signed informed consent form.



10. Which is not a use of medical records?

support legal claims

maintaining a source of record between medical staff

monitoring a patient's condition

marketing services to individual patients

11. What is considered identifying patient health information? Select all that apply.





12. Which are benefits of EHRs? Select all that apply.

store medical data for research

anyone can access them

easily share information with employers

standardized formatting of patient data

13. What are components of the informed consent process? Select all that apply.

Patients complete a quiz demonstrating their understanding of the proposed procedure.

Consent is documented.

Providers and patients discuss the risks and benefits of treatment options.

Patients provide accurate information about their health.

14. What are examples of what might be in a patient's medical record? Select all that apply.

letters from a patient

urinalysis results

X-ray images

consent forms

physician's license

15. Informed consent is a process.



Reference no: EM133397347

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