Health information services

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Reference no: EM13206821

Ms. Sippy Delta has just been promoted to manager of health information services at Happy Trails Health Center. A team of physicians, administrators, and department heads has decided to transform the culture of the organization into a quality-driven, patient-centered environment. Health information is stored digitally on optical disk by scanning paper documents. The patient-centered-care project calls for a completely electronic health record, with data coming from various sources throughout the organization. Health informa-tion services will manage the central data repository. Delta is committed to this innovative approach but is concerned about how to communicate the changes to staff and how the new system will affect the department’s operations.

1. What factors should Delta address in implementing this major organizational change?
2. What obstacles is Ms. Delta likely to face as a department manager in taking on this project?
3. How can adopting a systems view of human resource management assist the managers responsible for implementing this major change?

each question has to be a paragraph in length

Reference no: EM13206821

Questions Cloud

Greatest change in the educational system : Which of the following results in the greatest change in the educational system?
Briefly explain darwin''s idea of natural selection : Briefly explain Darwin's idea of natural selection. Why was this theory disbelieved by previous naturalists and why does Darwin feel it will now be given serious consideration?
Consider transferring images : Consider transferring images over T-1 facility (1.544Mbps). How long will take to transmit a picture of 1280x1024 pixels with 3 bytes per pixel?
Who has the power to propose constitutional amendments : who has the power to propose constitutional amendments?
Health information services : Ms. Sippy Delta has just been promoted to manager of health information services at Happy Trails Health Center. A team of physicians, administrators, and department heads has decided to transform the culture of the organization into a quality-driven,..
Classifying variables : In the world of psychological research the experiment is highly valued, as it is one of the key processes we can use to determine cause and effect.
What is ethnocentrism-contributed to national conflicts : What is ethnocentrism? How has it contributed to national conflicts? What is ethnic cleansing?
Dollar to yen exchange rate : In 1980 the dollar to yen exchange rate was about $0.0045. In 2007 the yen to dollar exchange rate was about 121 yen per dollar.
Description of your area of interest in psychology, : A brief (1–3 sentences) description of your area of interest in psychology, then explain how conducting research in this area can contribute to you being a scholar-practitioner who effects social change.


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