Health disparities by race or gender

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Reference no: EM133553186

You are required to develop a presentation around a topic selected from the list provided that involves obtaining at least six peer-reviewed journal articles that revolve around a certain problem in the social sciences field. Develop a series of slides that outlines the citation of the articles and a brief summary of the methods and the sampling of each. You are to group them by methodology, and make sure to have at least one article in each of the three major methods categories discussed in this course; namely, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

Topic List

Racial differences in social class in the U.S. (i.e., social stratification)
Health disparities by race, or gender
Inequalities in sports/sports programs, or politics of sports
Gender inequality in the workplace, pay gap, glass ceiling
Gender or racial messages in mass media
Social media usage by age
Feminism and women's rights movements overtime
Social movements, collective behavior (e.g., environmental justice)
Food deserts (not to be confused with a dessert that you eat)
Poverty and place: urban/rural divide as it pertains to poverty
Environmental impact of consumerism, consumption
LGBTQ - stigma, inequities experienced

Select a topic from the list provided in the Overview.

Based on your selected topic, locate at least six peer-reviewed articles. Group them by methods and make sure to have at least one article in each of the three major methods categories discussed in this course namely, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

Reference no: EM133553186

Questions Cloud

How to stay up to date with current policy trends : How to stay up to date with current policy trends in the early childhood sector at a global, national, state and local level
Major causes of racism-sexism and homophobia : What are some of the major causes of racism, sexism, homophobia and some possible solutions?
Current policy issues of choosing currently being debated : Pick a current policy issues of your choosing currently being debated in your community or nationally
Data compiled in social sciences for purpose of research : How is data compiled in social sciences for the purpose of research? What are the implications of the manner in which most data is collected?
Health disparities by race or gender : Develop a series of slides that outlines the citation of the articles and a brief summary of the methods and the sampling of each.
Do you see older people in very monochromatic way : What are your own personal attitudes and beliefs about age and aging? Do you see older people in a very monochromatic way?
Gender inequality in workplace-pay gap-glass ceiling : Gender inequality in the workplace, pay gap, glass ceiling. Discus that outlines the citation of the articles
Discusses commonalities among blue zones : Aging in other countries discusses commonalities among Blue Zones which are thought to be contributors to health and longevity.
What systemic issues have black communities in canada faced : What systemic issues have Black communities in canada faced? What is black community group's relationship with police in canada?


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