Health benefits for its users who have busy lifestyle

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Reference no: EM133313625


We are doing a research proposal to determine whether smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits for its users who have a busy lifestyle in Bristol. Are you able to decide the population we are researching, a sampling approach and strategy and the proposed sample sizes for both the qualitative and quantitive stages of research and how these are calculated.

Reference no: EM133313625

Questions Cloud

Rationalize validation metrics for television ads : Determine and rationalize validation metrics for Television ads, Billboards, and digital ads.
Utilize integration of social media : What are some techniques used today by trade shows that utilize the integration of social media, apps, and e-mail?
Explain what integrated marketing communications : Explain what integrated marketing communications are. List and discuss different elements of marketing communication that need to be integrated
Calculate market share index : Calculate market share index for a company that has 70% customer awareness, out of which 75% find it attractive, 40% think the price is OK,
Health benefits for its users who have busy lifestyle : We are doing a research proposal to determine whether smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits for its users who have a busy lifestyle in Bristol
Technologies in age of corporations and regulation : Technologies in the age of Corporations and Regulation (Nye). How can you explain the advent of this technology in a culturally deterministic fashion?
Smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits : We are doing a research proposal to determine whether smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits for its users.
Product portfolio and digital fitness app development : Make recommendations for Under Armour's target group based on product portfolio and digital fitness app development.
Smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits : We are doing a research proposal on whether smartwatches brings motivation and health benefits for its users.


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