Have you tried any of the diets you discovered

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Reference no: EM13981874

Question 1- Worksheet

Go to the following websites to learn and read about the latest "fad" diets:



Answer the following in the Text Box Below...

Have you tried any of the diets you discovered?

If so what were the results?

Question 2- Title: Wrapping It Up

We have reached the last week of the class. It is time to reflect back on what you have learned. For the last forum of the class, answer the following questions:

1. Reflect on what you have learned in this class. Discuss 2-3 goals for how you will incorporate what you have learned into your daily lives (this can include sharing with others). Then provide feedback to two of your fellow students.

2. List at least one thing that you would change to make this class better.

3. List at least one thing that you would not change about this class.

Question 3- MyFitnessPal, SuperTracker, NutriCalc, FitDay, SelfMagazine's Nutrition Data Resource, Food Choices, nutritiondata.self.com
These are just a few of the diet analysis programs available on the web. Which ones are easy to use and provide reliable data? How many have you tried?

For this forum discussion, I would like you to compare at least two different nutrient analysis programs/apps. Let's stick to the free ones expect NutriCalc that is used for this class. You do not have to use one of the programs/apps listed above. You are welcome to find others. There are many available. Some programs and apps are better quality than others which is hopefully what we will discover during thiis forum discussion.

For this evaluation, you should enter the same foods into each program or app. I suggest you use one day from your Assignment 1 diet analysis. If you do not want to do that, you can use the sample meal plan below.

I encourage you to explore and think out of the box. If you select an app or program different from the one's listed above, then keep this in mind. An excellent nutritional analysis demands accuracy. You will first need to determine the "goodness" of the program's database. Web sites with the extensions edu, gov, and org tend to contain unbiased nutrition information that is factually accurate and provable. If you decide to use a website that ends in .com, you need to determine who is sponsoring the site. Generally, .com sites from well-known organizations or associations are okay.

For your initial post, complete the tables below, one for each program/app. Then copy and paste the tables into your forum discussion. Also, provide your personal evaluation of each program/app. Your evaluation should be at least 250 words long

For your follow-up posts, comment on two student's initial post. Your follow-up posts should be at least 100 words in length.

 First Program/App:





Does the program allow for analysis of more than one day?




Does the analysis results include calories?




Does the analysis results include the three macronutrients?




Does the analysis results include vitamins?




Does the analysis results include minerals?




Can you enter your height and weight?




Does the program store your meal plan/diet menu?




Can you make modifications once a meal plan is entered?




Does the program/app allow you to enter foods not found in the database?




Does the program/app allow you to modify the serving size?




Is the serving size appropriate?




Can you use the barcode reader to enter foods?




Is the analysis easy to interpret?




Does the analysis include MyPlate food groups?




Does the program/app ask for your height, weight, and daily activity?




Does the analysis compare the breakdown to the DRI?




Second Program/App:





Does the program allow for analysis of more than one day?




Does the analysis results include calories?




Does the analysis results include the three macronutrients?




Does the analysis results include vitamins?




Does the analysis results include minerals?




Can you enter your height and weight?




Does the program store your meal plan/diet menu?




Can you make modifications once a meal plan is entered?




Does the program/app allow you to enter foods not found in the database?




Does the program/app allow you to modify the serving size?




Is the serving size appropriate?




Can you use the barcode reader to enter foods?




Is the analysis easy to interpret?




Does the analysis include MyPlate food groups and analysis?




Does the program/app ask for your height, weight, and daily activity?




Does the analysis compare the breakdown to the DRI?




Sample Meal Plan:

1 cup orange juice
2 cups Raisin Bran, Kellogg's
1 ½ cup nonfat milk

2 slices OrowheatOatnut bread
2 Tb Smart Balance butter
1 cup nonfat milk
1 small banana

1 cup raw spinach
2 button mushrooms sliced
1 small tomato diced
1/8 cup walnut pieces
¼ cup Feta cheese
1 Tb Thousand Island dressing

1 apple
2 TB chunky peanut butter

1 cup broccoli, steamed
4 oz pork roast
½ cup applesauce
½ cup mashed potatoes

Question 4- Putting It All Together:

Throughout this course you learned about the various nutrients and food groups that are essential for our health. What you eat does matter.

For this assignment, you are going to put it all together. The last assignments have highlighted various portions of your diet. Now, what would your healthy, well-balanced diet look like? What foods would it include?
This assignment includes two parts. You are to write a report that covers both. You should have a title page and include references if you need them.

Part I. You recorded and analyzed your dietary intake for 3 days. Now modify your intake to meet the following dietary recommendations. In order to make the changes, you will need to use the diet analysis program. Start a new profile so you do not lose your original diet analysis. Your new diet analysis must meet these goals. These should look familiar. They are recommendations we have discussed throughout the class.

1. Calorie intake is within 200 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program. Be sure you selected the correct activity for your daily activities.

2. All nutrients on your "Bar Graph Report" are >100%. (Please not this is >100% and not equal to 100%.) Be sure not exceed the upper limit for the nutrient.

3. All food groups on the "MyPlate" report are >100% and <250%.

4. The source of calories from carbohydrate is >55% and the source of calories from fat is <25% ("Calories and Fat" report).

Once you have modified your diet, fill in the table below. Be sure to copy and paste it table into your report. You can add more lines by placing your cursor in the last cell and hit the "tab" button. This will add another line to the table. You may not have the same number of foods in each column.

Foods I deleted from my diet

Foods I changed the amount in my diet

New Foods I added to my diet













Answer the following questions in a short written essay. This summary should be at least one page, double spaced, 12 point font, and 1" margins.

1. Was making the changes easy task?

2. Are the changes realistic?

3. Is there a particular type of food you found yourself adding and/or deleting?

Part II. In the next two pages, you may do one of two things. Whichever one you pick, your summary should be at least two pages, double spaced, 12 point font, and 1" margins. Use references where needed.

1. Relate the changes you made to 5 things you learned in the class. There is no right or wrong. Be sure to explain your response in detail. Do make the 5 items obvious such as a new paragraph for each item.

2. Implement one of the following and describe your experience. Your discussion should include the obstacles and successes you faced implementing the change.

• Take all your vitamins and minerals through food for a week.

• Obtain all protein through food for a week.

• Increase whole grains in your diet for a week.

Reference no: EM13981874

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