Have you ever liked a company or product on facebook

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131668784

Have you ever "liked" a company or product on Facebook? Participated in a company's blog or posted pictures on their website?

Do you and your friends have the next great commercial for Doritos?

The snack food firm has turned user generated content into an advertising phenomenon.

Their customer created ads are frequently among the most popular during the Super Bowl, and in many cases, have gone viral.

User generated content is exactly what it sounds like, content such as blogs, videos, pictures, and tweets (among many other types) that are created and shared by ordinary customers.

Conduct a web search for examples of firms that have successfully employed user generated content; there are lots of great ones to choose from.

If they can do it, so can you! How would you employ user generated content to promote, brand, and sell the product you are using in your marketing plan? Is mommy blogging for you? Photo contests?

How will you create the "buzz" you need to launch your product? Describe your user generated content plan and why you selected one type of content over another. How will you get your customers to participate? What's in it for them?

Be specific and share at least one example of a firm that has used a similar strategy.

300 words APA 3 sources

Reference no: EM131668784

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