Have you ever discovered a brand on social media

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Reference no: EM132342632

Question 1: Part 1: Please give at least (3) examples of "New and Creative" ways that advertisers are using to reach customer and why they work or do not work.

Part 2: How are brands using social media to connect with and retain customers? Have you ever discovered a brand on social media before traditional media? Please share.

Question 2: Part 1: Why are some of the ways that salespeople provide value to a brand or company?

Part 2: How is the online customer different than the traditional "brick and mortar" customer? In which ways are they similar? Should every brand or company have an online offering? Why? or Why not?

Reference no: EM132342632

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Why are coupons effective at price discriminating : Why are coupons effective at price discriminating across customers and what is the key principle they are relying on to effectively price discriminate?
Demonstrate an understanding of the need for strategy : Demonstrate an understanding of the need for strategy and methods for developing a business strategy within an organization.


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