Have you ever been selected as a respondent

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131366558

Have you ever been selected as a respondent in a marketing research survey? If yes, how were you contacted? Why do you think you, in particular, were selected?

Did you know or could you guess the purpose of the survey? Do you know the name of the company or brand involved in the survey?

Reference no: EM131366558

Questions Cloud

Discuss about the post given below : Address the third step in detail as to the Twin Lakes Mining Company, Exercise 18, ("Readings, Exercises and Cases" pp.547-549.) This step calls for assembling the issues, ranking their importance, and defining the bargaining mix. You are describ..
Find two examples depicting practices that are consistent : Find two examples depicting practices that are consistent with the societal marketing concept and two examples of business practices that contradict this concept. Explain your choices.
Better name for communicating with non-scientific members : Do you think that "Gaia theory" or "Earth System Theory" is a better name for communicating with non-scientific members of the public? Why? What are the advantages of each approach?
Explain aspect of work that align well with your profile : Based on careful reflection on your current or most recent professional role or a role you would aspire to have, describe the aspects of your work that align well with your profile, as well as those that do not.
Have you ever been selected as a respondent : Have you ever been selected as a respondent in a marketing research survey? If yes, how were you contacted? Why do you think you, in particular, were selected?
Street children and substance abuse : Consider the case below, "Diller's Dilemma: Street Children and Substance Abuse." Your task is to provide an overview of this case, identifying the internal and external stakeholders and the obligations owed to them.
Describe a response by proponents of evolutionary theory : Find and describe a response by proponents of evolutionary theory. Evaluate the evidence supporting their positions
Identify a purchase you have made : Identify a purchase you have made that was motivated primarily by your desire to obtain a special ‘feeling' or an ‘experience'.
Small businesses with limited resources : What do you think companies can do now to prepare their managers for these new markets? What can entrepreneurs and small businesses with limited resources do?


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