Hat type of evidence was recovered during the investigation

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Reference no: EM131524490

You need answer for the EACH discussions below. Must support your each answer with 2-3 credible sources cited in APA. Must provide 100% original Answer.

Discussion 1 (250 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

This module focuses on inferential statistics. As a reminder, inferential statistics are used to determine the probability that a conclusion based on analysis of data from a sample is true (Norman & Streiner, 2008).

The purpose of this discussion is to show the various types of hypotheses, how to identify them in an article and the importance of "significance" and a p-value. For this discussion, use a peer-reviewed article (focused on a health study) of your choice to:

· Identify the Ho and H1

· Identify and explain what "significance" is in a general sense and in your chosen article. Be sure to discuss the p-value.

Discussion 2 (250 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

After reading your background readings and doing your own research, please answer the following: Most job offers are made verbally first followed by a written offer letter. Take a position whether the offer letter is considered a legally binding contract or not. Support your perspective by referring to elements of a contract.

Discussion 3 (200 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

Conduct research on a homicide investigation that occurred within the last twenty years. What types of evidence was recovered during the investigation? How was the evidence used to assist in the prosecution of the crime? Why is objectivity important when investigating a homicide?
(Can you please do American Football player Steve McNair for this discussion?)

Discussion 4 (200 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

What are some of the important considerations when investigating a sexual assault? What are the unique considerations when collecting and preserving evidence in a sexual assault investigation? What are the indicators of a serial sex offender? Do you think the penalties for sexual offenses are too severe or too lenient? Why do you feel this way?

Discussion 5 (200 words with 2-3 credible references cited in APA)

What is your opinion on the result of the Supreme Court ruling in Miranda versus Arizona? Do you think certain crimes should be excluded from Miranda Warnings during interrogation? What is your opinion of a requirement to record all police interrogations?

Reference no: EM131524490

Questions Cloud

Explain why the axioms are important to decision analysis : Most people are learning constantly about themselves and their environment. Our tastes develop and change as our environment changes.
Develop your strategic leadership plan : During that time, you've developed your Strategic Leadership Plan (Project Parts I, II, and III) to take the organization forward.
Find the value for p : Find the value for p that makes you indifferent between Lottery 1 Win $1,000 with probability p.
Critical document and pictures on desktop : What will you do if you need to back up more copies of your critical document and pictures on your desktop if you are using cloud storage?
Hat type of evidence was recovered during the investigation : Conduct research on a homicide investigation that occurred within the last twenty years. What types of evidence was recovered during the investigation?
Examine how our nations laws affect operations of business : Examine how our nation's laws affect the operations of the business. You will need to research the applicable laws on the factory farming industry.
Marie assembly language : Write a short program of five to ten lines in MARIE assembly language to accomplish something.
What change effort have been undertaken at your organization : What change efforts have been undertaken at your organization? Which have worked? Which readings on change make most sense to you? Why?
Design a 3nf logical model : Design a 3NF Logical Model and Design a Dimensional Model for the following:


Write a Review

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