Reference no: EM131036970
America's Ice Age
1. What year was the discovery made that North America might have been covered by glaciers in the geologic past?
2. Who is credited with this discovery?
3. How can scientists determine past temperatures from ocean sediment drill cores?
4. How low did the average global temperature drop according to the drill core data?
5. What might have caused the drop in average global temperature?
6. What is an erratic?
7. What is the term for the rock and sediment debris at the end of a glacier?
8. What can this feature tell geologists about past glaciation?
9. What information about glaciers can be determined by striations, grooves in the rocks?
10. What large water filled depressions owe their existence to glaciers?
11. What gets trapped in ice cores that can tell us something about past climate?
12. How often did major glaciation events occur in the past 2 million years?
13. What evidence was found on Bear Mountain that indicated there was a glacier here in the past?
14. How thick was the ice at this location?
15. What is the cause of sea level change in the past 2 million years?
16. Name North Americas longest glacier?
17. How much thinner has this glacier become in the past 20 years?
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