Has this had an impact on small businesses in bc

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133565373


TOPIC 1: BC Minimum Wage Increase On June 1st 2023, the BC government raised the minimum wage to $16.75/hour, another increase in a series of increases over the past few years! June 1, 2018 - $12.65 per hour June 1, 2019 - $13.85 per hour June 1, 2020 - $14.60 per hour June 1, 2021 - $15.20 per hour June 1, 2022 - $15.65 per hour June 1, 2023 - $16.75 per hour To find out more about why the province of BC put these changes in place, see this detail on the BC government website.

Minimum wage can be a political hot button issue (check out this article about the political pressures), but beyond that posturing, what do you think? Does the government setting minimum wage thresholds help business? Does it help workers? Are the two things linked? (there is no one right answer, I'm curious to learn from your own or your family and friends' experience as a workers and/or business owners). In making HRM decisions we need to get past the politics and look to actual data and experience about what will attract and retain the workers we need, with the skills we need, when we need them.

Questions to consider: Why did the BC provincial government go forward with putting this wage increase into effect? Has this had an impact on small businesses in BC? (Can you find any good sources on this?) Have these increases helped those working in minimum wage jobs in BC?

Reference no: EM133565373

Questions Cloud

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What special attributes does the founder-leader possess : What special attributes does the founder/leader possess that has influenced the character of the organization? Explain.
Has this had an impact on small businesses in bc : Why did the BC provincial government go forward with putting this wage increase into effect? Has this had an impact on small businesses in BC?
How did the us respond to the sandinistas : In 1979, the Nicaraguan people overthrew the Samosa regime and called themselves the Sandinistas. Describe the Sandinistas and what they began to achieve.
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Identify someone could get certified in employee benefits : Identify how someone could get certified in Employee Benefits. Why would you be interested in this? What are the possible benefits for you?
Differences between management and leadership : Give an example of working for someone (in HR or outside of it) who was a good manager but not a good leader - and/or vice versa?


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