Has the author achieved his or her intentions or goals

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Reference no: EM133252026

Assignment - Law Summary Essay

Description - Select a newspaper article (New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, or other appropriate quality journalism site) which addresses a current Business Legal topic. A good place to look would be in the business pages. You have access to these newspapers free of charge through the University's library. You may ask a librarian to guide you to an appropriate database and show you how to filter for newspapers. Although there is no set minimum number of words for the article, you should consider the requirement of # 2 and the rubric requirement of a 3-4 paragraph summary. This means that the article must be substantial enough for you to summarize it in 3-4 paragraphs.

Summarize the article. In addition, you should attach the article (PDF) to your submission. The article may not be any older than 6-months from the submission date. Summarize the article in 3-4 paragraphs. An analysis means breaking down and studying parts of the article.

You should be able to use critical thinking skills to make judgements about the subject of the article so you can develop clear opinions with supported conclusions. Address the issues below in your summary of the article.

1. What is the author's main point and thesis.

- Does the article have a clear structure and does it provide sufficient evidence supported by facts.

2. Summary should answer questions what, why, who, when and how exactly.

3. What is the main purpose? Inform? Entertain? Persuade to a particular viewpoint?

4. Is personal opinion included? How do you know?

5. What is the tone of the article? Critical, angry, passionate, satirical, neutral, other?

6. Has the author achieved his or her intentions or goals.

7. Discuss how the event/ case / issue is relevant socially or politically. In other words, why did you think this was an interesting article and how does it relate to a larger social or political issue. Place the article in the larger context of our society and the political structures as they exist in the United States.

8. Discuss how the event/case/issue is relevant to the course. i.e. it addresses and expands on material discussed in a specific chapter etc. Be specific. What are the implications of the issue in the larger business environment?

Reference no: EM133252026

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Write a Review

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