Harris is very upset. what will you do

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Reference no: EM133494017

Question: Using a word or excel program to complete an appointment schedule that similar to these examples.

The following appointments have been added to the Dr's schedule:

  • Doctor Plunkett and his wife have a dinner engagement at 17:00.
  • The president of the Downtown Kinsmen has asked Dr. Plunkett to speak to the Kinsmen Lunch Brunch at 12:00. Dr. Plunkett agreed.
  • Dr. Jones, a vascular surgeon, is performing a by-pass and graft for hemodialysis (synthetic) on Garry Green and has asked Dr. Plunkett to assist. Surgery will take approximately 2 ½ hours beginning at 09:00 in OR 6 at St. Joseph's Hospital (note: when a physician is asked to assist in surgery, the surgeon's office administrator will call the physician's office administrator and advise the time, date, place, type of surgery, patient's name and approximate length of time for surgery).
  • Erik Shultz is at "the end of his rope" with his wife's drinking and needs to talk with the doctor immediately. (Note: Erik works from 09:00 to 19:00 and finds it difficult to arrange time off work. You feel that there is some urgency in this situation. Since Dr. Plunkett usually comes into the office early in the morning, you book Erik in before Dr. Plunkett's scheduled surgery time. You discuss this with the doctor and he agrees).
  • Elizabeth Green has requested an appointment for her annual health exam.
    Tim Peters has a large boil on his forearm.

Complete the appointment schedule by entering the following appointments while allowing appropriate time periods. If you feel that some appointments do not need to be seen on this schedule, document when you would book them and your reasons for doing so.

  • Thomas Bell (427-5327) and Heather Smith (576-3225) have requested appointments for complete physicals.
  • Jean Belliveau and Mary Jane Brown have requested a premarital consultation and physicals. Mary Jane is a regular patient (427-3333) and her fiancé has requested that Dr. Plunkett consider him a patient.
  • Hazel Davis (427-7006) is coming in for her monthly O.B. checkup.
  • There is a flu epidemic and the following patients are coming with a fever, sore throats, and congestion:  Peter John Scott (427-2245), Mel Thompson (427-5432) Amelia Jackson (748-3192), Bob Baxter (652-3179) and Lisa Basciano (742-2717).
  • Lois Elliot is coming in to have a dressing changed.
  • At 1 p.m. you receive a call from Mrs. Harris, whose 4 year old baby William, has been crying and upset all morning. He is screaming in obvious pain and Mrs. Harris is very upset. What will you do?

Reference no: EM133494017

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