Handling exceptions with undefined errors

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131370949

Assignment : Handling Exceptions with Undefined Errors

Brewbean's wants to add a check constraint on the QUANTITY column of the BB_BASKETITEM table. If a shopper enters a quantity value greater than 20 for an item, Brewbean's wants to display the message "Check Quantity" onscreen.

Using a text editor, open the assignment04-06.txt file in the Chapter04 folder.

The first statement, ALTER TABLE, must be executed to add the check constraint. The next item is a PL/SQL block containing an INSERT action that tests this check constraint. Add code to this block to trap the check constraint violation and display the message.

Reference no: EM131370949

Questions Cloud

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The costs associated with the enforcement laws : Discuss in detail the use of drug counts. How do they operate? are they sucessful? Discuss the potential of drug counts to reduce: ( 1) the demand for illicit drug and (2) the costs associated with the enforcement laws.
Handling exceptions with undefined errors : If a shopper enters a quantity value greater than 20 for an item, Brewbean's wants to display the message "Check Quantity" onscreen -  Add code to this block to trap the check constraint violation and display the message.
Find the probability : What is the probability that a standard normal random variable will be between the values -2 and 1?- Find the probability that a standard normal random variable will have a value between -0.89 and -2.50.
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Probability that variable will be between 2 and 3 : Find the probability that a standard normal random variable will have a value greater than 3.02.- Find the probability that a standard normal random variable will be between 2 and 3.
Different business processes and software applications : List at least six different business processes/ software applications at a mgh hospital then define/use a BIA analysis criteria to group the above process/apps into different recovery buckets (hot, warm and cold sites)


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