Reference no: EM131776739
This application will handle sign-ups for a municipal tree-planting event and consist of two pages. The initial page will handle sign-ups and a second page will thank the volunteer and confirm their choices. Each sign-up will consist of a volunteer contact (who provides a name and email) and an additional number of participants (family, coworkers, etc.). Food and entertainment will be provided so the number of participants and how many are children must be captured.
Both pages should inherit from a Master Page and only modify one block of content. The Master Page should consist of a title header and a logo image (any image will be fine, a tree or park for example).
The initial page should include controls to store the following information:
Volunteer Email Address
Volunteer First Name
Volunteer Last Name
Number of additional adult attendees
Number of additional child attendees
Any special notes
Each control requires a label and text box.
Additionally the site will include the following controls:
A Calendar control
2 Button controls
A label control
The calendar control will default to the date of the first event and the two buttons will allow the user to navigate between the events (use names such as Next or Previous). When the page selects a date on the control (either initially or when the user presses a button, also update the label with information about the event.
Use a class object (similar to the Inventory class in the Week 5 example) to hold this event information. The class should have the following information:
Date of the event
Time frame of the event (as a string). I.e. 8:00AM-12:00PM
Location of the event (Example Park, Sample Boulevard)
Include at least three event dates in the object.
Finally, include a submit button that validates the following:
Email address is a valid address (check that it contains a "." And "@")
First and Last Name are not empty
Numbers of attendees are numbers
If any validation fails, inform the user of the incorrect information. If everything passes validation, direct the user to the second page, which should thank them for volunteering and confirm the date they selected along with the time and location (gathered from the same custom class object.
The final project should consist of at least the following files included in the project:
Custom Class
Master Page
Signup Page
Thanks Page