Hamilton plans to address the nation financial woes

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133491347

In Part A,

Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States. Discuss his impression of his visit? What were his thoughts on tyranny of the majority and does it reflect American democracy today. Give examples to support your answer.

In Part B,

1. In Chapter 7, the discussion of New York's ratifying convention, Alexander Hamilton takes issue with Anti-Federalist delegate Melancton Smith's assertion that (as Hamilton says) "a pure democracy, if it were put practicable, would be the most perfect government." What did Smith and Hamilton mean by "a pure democracy"? How does this compare to the type of democracy that represents the modern United States?

2. Describe Alexander Hamilton's plans to address the nation's financial woes. What aspect proved most controversial and why? What Elements of the foundation Hamilton laid can still be found in the system today?

3. What factors led to the Panic of 1819? What government regulations might have prevented it?

4. In Chapter 6, it describes the ideology of republicanism. What is it? As a political philosophy, how did republicanism compare to the system that prevailed in Great Britain?

Reference no: EM133491347

Questions Cloud

American imperialism and america expanding role in world : Contributed to American Imperialism and America's expanding role in the world. Consider the importance of the expansion of the Navy
What specific challenges did african americans face : What specific challenges did African Americans face as they relocated during the Great Migration?
Civil war-the south was mess : After the Civil War, the South was a mess. Parts of the South were badly damaged, its economic system was dismantled,
Negative stereotypes and racial representations : The effect that negative stereotypes and racial representations have on children is the child being exposed to unfavorable stereotypes
Hamilton plans to address the nation financial woes : Describe Alexander Hamilton's plans to address the nation's financial woes. What aspect proved most controversial and why?
Define Stagflation-What was the idea of Reaganomics : Define Stagflation. What was the idea of Reaganomics based on? Why is trickle down economics controversial?
What is best way to present this ancient piece of art : What is the best way to present this ancient piece of art? What presentation will give today's viewers the clearest and most honest picture of the past?
Equated pure democracy with mob rule : This was something early politicians feared, and equated pure democracy with mob rule.
How has war on drugs affected mass incarceration : How has the War on Drugs affected mass incarceration? Explain


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