Gun control laws for the states

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM136314

Q. What is the relationship between states that have stricter gun control laws and the crime rate?

You will need to determine how you will measure "strict gun control laws for the states" and to define what types of crimes will make up the "crime rate."

Project needs to contain at minimum the following items:

N >=50 (ie a sample size of 50 states for gun control or 50 Indiana school districts)
At least three charts supporting your position, be sure to use the best chart for the data you are analyzing.
A table of your statistical outcomes
The charts should be includedin Word document.
Your document should be legible, easy to read.
Cite of all of your sources.
Use Times New Roman font,12pt font size, and single spaced

Reference no: EM136314

Questions Cloud

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Gun control laws for the states : You will need to determine how you will measure strict gun control laws for the states and to define what types of crimes will make up the crime rate.
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Equilibrium value of consumption and investment : Solve for the equilibrium interest rate. Solve for equilibrium value of consumption and investment.


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