Guessing game

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13166973

In C++ develop a "guessing game" where the computer and the user alternatively guess the value of a randomly selected secret number between 1 and 99 (or any other maximum value). Initially, the computer selects the random number, and the user makes guesses. The computer evaluates each guess, and answers "too big", "too small", or "correct". The computer counts how many guesses are necessary to find the correct answer. Then, the roles are changed. The user selects a secret random number, and the computer makes guesses. The user evaluates the guesses and answers using > (for "too big"), < (for "too small"), and = (for "correct"). The player who detects the correct answer with the minimum number of guesses is the winner. There is one more thing related to this problem. Computers are not smart, and therefore they do not cheat in games. As opposed to that, human players are smart and we must assume they can cheat when answering (>,<,=) to="" computer-generated="" questions="" in="" other="" words="" you="" must="" design="" a="" program="" that="" will="" detect="" cheating="" p="">

Reference no: EM13166973

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