Guess the number game

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13703008


Prepare a Java application that plays a "Guess the number" game.

Part 1: The user interface is displayed and the user clicks the "Start Game" button to begin the game.

Part 2: Your application then gets a random number in the range 1-1000 inclusive

Part 3: Application then displays a promt that tells the user to guess a number between 1-1000

Part 4: Input the users guess in the code for a previously-registered event handler method.

Part 5: If you guess close the background turns red, farther away it turns blue.

Part 6: If the user guessed the number correctly, respond with their number, post a congratulatory message

Part 7: erase obsolete status messages...

Prepare a java program to guess the number. please do proper documentation of code.

Reference no: EM13703008

Questions Cloud

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Guess the number game : The user interface is displayed and the user clicks the "Start Game" button to begin the game - Your application then gets a random number in the range 1-1000 inclusive
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