Reference no: EM132729424
GSP6000 Strategic Management - Gulf college
Learning outcome 1: Develop the ability to accurately deploy established strategy techniques and approaches, as well as the latest thinking, regarding analysis, enquiry and application to strategy related concepts and practical situations.
Learning outcome 2: Develop a range of problem solving techniques and approaches which can be used to understand and resolve theoretical and practical situations.
Learning outcome 3: Be able to apply the methods, techniques and approaches learnt to review, consolidate extend and apply their knowledge of strategy and related areas to initiate strategy related tasks and projects, from theoretical or practitioner perspectives.
Learning outcome 4: Understand and critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts, uncertainties and data relating to strategy, which will enable them to frame questions, make judgements and develop solutions to theoretical and practical problems relating to strategy and its environment.
Assignment task
Read the below given Case Study and answer the questions
IKEA Global Expansion (attached)
The Task
1. Critically analyse the desired future state and aspiration of the organization using the concepts of: (a) Vision; (b) Mission; (c) Organizational Objectives and (d) Strategic Capabilities.
2. Critically evaluate the implications of IKEA's strategic management in terms of:
(a) International Market expansion and (b) Risk Management processes in the competitive market.
3. Explain the competitive capabilities of IKEA that are appropriate to its intense purpose of improving trade margin and focus.
4. Design an alternative strategic plan for IKEA to face the challenges and to sustain its growth in the market place of Oman.
Attachment:- Strategic Management.rar