Reference no: EM131388488
The take-home midterm is due February 5 at 11:59 P.M. In addition to the learning resources listed weekly course content, you should consult the supplementary resources ( the video series and the lectures and naturally other resources including the information available through the web and the internet).
You should answer three of the following 5 questions in 250 words or more (one screen double-spaced) if you do it in essay form (introduction, main peargraph or paragraphs in which you present your main points with supporting examples), and a conclusion. If you feel more comfortable about it, you can use bullet statements which can be of any length.
Please answer three of the following five questions:
1.From the learning resources, modules, and lecture 1-a, what are the tools and sources that you use in history?
2, What steps in the neolithic revolution led to the growth of settled civilization and the first states (use all sources such as learning resources,modules,lectures, and the web) ?
3. Please describe the economic, social, and political chacteristics of two of the following four ancient states: (Nile River Valley/Egypt); (Tigris-Euphrates/ Mesopotamia); Indus River Valley/India); and Hwang-Ho or Yellow River/China)!
4. Please describe the economic, social, and political characteristics of one ancient African and one ancient American (pre-Columbian) civilization!
5. Please compare and contrast the the following classical civilizations: Greek/Hellenistic, Roman, and Persian!
Use examples whenever necessary! You should date and locate as these are historical questions!.
Give the answer of muliple choice question
: The staring, wide eyes of the Tell Asmar statues are believed to indicate that the figures.Mesopotamian cultures did not include.The largest Neolithic site so far discovered in the ancient Near East is located in modern.Which of the following does a ..
Address some aspect of social media in the workplace
: Address some aspect of social media in the workplace. Organize the presentation in a clear, logical manner. Provide between 10-16 total slides. Assume your target audience is familiar with the concept of social media overall.
Generate reports using query of all high priority orders
: In this assignment, you will use Microsoft Access to generate reports using query of all high priority orders shipped by express air in the year of 2011. Please pay attention to every criteria when you do the selection.
Estimate the process mean and standard deviation
: Construct appropriate control charts and determine stability of the process.- If the process is out of control, assuming remedial actions will be taken, estimate the process mean and standard deviation.
Growth of settled civilization and the first states
: What steps in the neolithic revolution led to the growth of settled civilization and the first states (use all sources such as learning resources,modules,lectures, and the web)?
Establish similarity requirements and prediction equation
: Establish the similarity requirements and prediction equation for a model to be used in the wind tunnel to study the air velocity, V, around the locomotive.
Films about slavery in the american cinema
: Much of the discussion around 12 Years a Slave concerned the rather stunning lack of films about slavery in the American cinema. Was The Birth of a Nation conceived before or after you saw that film, and do you think the film may have opened Ameri..
What range of length scales may be used
: Assume the viscosity of air is unaffected by pressure, and the temperature of air in the tunnel is equal to the temperature of the air in which the airplane will fly
Find the range of air velocities
: Determine the range of air velocities that would be required for the wind tunnel if Reynolds number similarity is desired. Are the velocities suitable? Explain.