Growing trend of use of technology in sales process

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132179177

1. There is a growing trend of the use of technology in the sales process. List the steps of the sales process and then on which of the steps in the sales process you would use technology to be more effective in the process. Justify your answer.

2. To convict someone of a crime normally requires that a jury (or in some cases a judge) to find that the defendant had a specific intent to commit the crime. Other, special types of crimes do not require specific intent and only require the fact finder to determine if the act was actually committed; and if so, then the defendant is to be found guilty. These are generally referred to as "strict liability" crimes. Do you think the concept of strict liability crimes is fair? Should the state have to prove specific intent in all crimes? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132179177

Questions Cloud

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