Group engagement team with audit reports

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132431039

Advanced Auditing Topcis

Question NO.1 100 words and reference

Question 1) Group audit applies to audit engagements for group financial statements, in particular those in which part of the work related to the financial statements on which the principal auditor is reporting is performed by other auditors (component auditors). How can the principal auditor report on the component auditor's contribution?

Question 2 please respond the below statement.

200 words and reference.

Discuss the Responsibilities of the Group Engagement Partner and the Group Engagement Team with audit reports?

What are some responsibilities of the Group Engagement Partner versus a Single location Engagement Partner?

Question 3) please respond the below statement.

200 words and reference.

Attachment:- Advanced Auditing Topcis.rar

Verified Expert

Nature and Definition of auditing : The term “audit” in an effort to find out the fairness and to established the reliability or unreliability of an entity’s financial statement which consist of balance sheet, profit, and loss account, cash flow statement notes and

Reference no: EM132431039

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