Group action plan on a social issue or opportunity

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Reference no: EM131033821 , Length: word count:2000

ASSESSMENT TASK: Social Action Plan - Group Report and Presentation/video


Purpose and aims:


The purpose of this assessment is to enable and actively engage students to lead their own action. Along with applying the knowledge and skills gained from learning about local, national and global issues, students will be supported in the development of the necessary skills of problem/opportunity identification and action planning, necessary to be pro-active in making a positive difference in the world. This is also designed to provide an opportunity for students to work collaboratively and respectfully with a range of students from diverse backgrounds.


Each class will collaborate together to define ONE socially-based problem or opportunity which could be a local, national or global issue/opportunity relevant to some aspect of diversity, equity, social inclusion and engagement, which requires a proposal for a solution or offers an opportunity for development that will involve an aspect of social advancement.


As a small group, you must be able to define the scope of the issue/opportunity through inquiry/research, critically analyse the issue and arguments regarding the nature/importance of the issue; and offer solutions to the issue or a means of realising the opportunity.


Description of the assessment:


There are TWO parts to the assessment:


Part A: Group action plan on a social issue/opportunity: a written report comprising of 2000 words. (40%)


Part B: Presentation or Campaign Video (10%) In week 12 classes, each group will present the social action plan to the class. Each member of the group will receive an individual mark based on the presentation. Each group must present for 12 minutes in total, including questions.


Students are required at least 4 types of resources in the group social action plan:


1. Minimum of 2 journal articles (students are required to use scholarly and peer-reviewed articles)
2. Newspaper articles
3. Prescribed textbook
4. Website


Steps in developing the class issue/opportunity:



Action required



The lecturer introduces Assessment task 3: the purpose and

requirements of the assessment.



In this session, each student in the class is asked to think about ONE issue/opportunity that they would like to pursue or write about. (students are encouraged look at newspapers, magazines, news reports etc)

One issue/opportunity from each student to be

provided by week 5


Anonymously, each student to write down the

issue/opportunity on a post-it note and place on the whiteboard

Class to discuss the issues/opportunities

presented and identify themes emerging (4 or 5 themes to be identified)


Each group is to brainstorm using butcher paper each of

themes that was identified in week 4 and decide on which

issue/opportunity they would like to work on.

Groups to vote on ONE issue/opportunity by nominating their preferred issue and placing it in the box provided. Lecturer to count the votes.

Lecturer to gather all the suggested

issues/opportunities themes and each class is to

vote ONE issue/opportunity


Examples of Social Issues, problems or opportunities to be addressed in the Social Action Plan

1. Cultural Diversity
2. Gender
3. Indigenous Issues
4. Euthanasia
5. Cyber-Bullying
6. Obesity
7. Self-image
8. Global warming
9. Globalisation
10. Drug abuse
11. Homelessness
12. Genetic engendering
13. Child labour
14. Animal rights.

Reference no: EM131033821

Questions Cloud

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Group action plan on a social issue or opportunity : There are TWO parts to the assessment: Group action plan on a social issue/opportunity. Presentation or Campaign Video (10%) In week 12 classes, each group will present the social action plan to the class
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You feel your writing can always be improved : You feel your writing can always be improved, or are you tempted to say, "Enough is enough!" If you believe in revision, share one thought or experience that might help someone else. If you don't, share that, too.


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