Grocery store program

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM1364972

Program in C language, use Microsoft Visual Studio the attachment has the program requirements and the text file has the grocery_list.txt with its price and quantity.

Grocery Store 

This program draws upon several concepts that were covered in CptS 121 and should serve as a good refresher for CptS 122. Our store, Cougar Mart, maintains its inventory in a text file. Not being very tech savvy, the owner of Cougar Mart needs you to build a C program (No C++) to read from and maintain the list of currently stocked items. The program will also simulate a simple shopping cart in which customers may add items. 

File Format 

Your program should read a file called "grocery_list.txt" (see included file for an example file). Each line of the file contains one grocery item. Each item contains three pieces of information: the name of the item, the item's quantity, and the item's cost. Each piece of information is separated by a colon (:). For example, "cheese:5:6" means that the item's name is "cheese", that there are 5 pieces of cheese in stock, and that each piece of cheese costs $6. Recall that one possible method for breaking up the information is to use strtok() (see for more information). Alternatively, you can just manually track the location of the colons and make substrings as needed using a FOR loop.

Sample Output 

Below is the desired output of your program. Note that the number of items that I test will be different from the number of items listed in the sample output. As such, you will need to use a vector, similar to what was developed in class and in lab, to complete your assignment. 

Welcome to Cougar Mart! 
How much money do you have?: a 
Invalid input. Please try again 
How much money do you have?: 4 
Here's what we have in stock today: 
*** apples $1 (qty: 5) 
*** milk $2 (qty: 3) 
*** bread $1 (qty: 3) 
*** candy $1 (qty: 10) 
*** cheese $6 (qty: 5) 
*** oranges $2 (qty: 4) 
*** cherries $2 (qty: 3) 
You have $4 
What would you like to put into your cart: oranges 
Would you like to continue shopping? (y/n): y 
Here's what we have in stock today: 
*** apples $1 (qty: 5) 
*** milk $2 (qty: 3) 
*** bread $1 (qty: 3) 
*** candy $1 (qty: 10) 
*** cheese $6 (qty: 5)
*** oranges $2 (qty: 3) 
*** cherries $2 (qty: 3) 
You have $2 
What would you like to put into your cart: apples 
Would you like to continue shopping? (y/n): y 
Here's what we have in stock today: 
*** apples $1 (qty: 4) 
*** milk $2 (qty: 3) 
*** bread $1 (qty: 3) 
*** candy $1 (qty: 10) 
*** cheese $6 (qty: 5) 
*** oranges $2 (qty: 3) 
*** cherries $2 (qty: 3) 
You have $1 
What would you like to put into your cart: milk 
Sorry, you don't have enough money! 
Would you like to continue shopping? (y/n): y 
Here's what we have in stock today: 
*** apples $1 (qty: 4) 
*** milk $2 (qty: 3) 
*** bread $1 (qty: 3) 
*** candy $1 (qty: 10) 
*** cheese $6 (qty: 5) 
*** oranges $2 (qty: 3) 
*** cherries $2 (qty: 3) 
You have $1 
What would you like to put into your cart: butter 
Sorry, we're all out of butter today. 
Would you like to continue shopping? (y/n): y 
Here's what we have in stock today: 
*** apples $1 (qty: 4) 
*** milk $2 (qty: 3) 
*** bread $1 (qty: 3) 
*** candy $1 (qty: 10) 
*** cheese $6 (qty: 5) 
*** oranges $2 (qty: 3) 
*** cherries $2 (qty: 3) 
You have $1 
What would you like to put into your cart: candy 
Would you like to continue shopping? (y/n): n 
Here's what you've added to your shopping cart: 
* oranges 
* apples 
* candy 
You spent $4 and have $0 left over. 
Thank you, come again!
Program Flow 
Your program should operate in the following manner: 
Open the file "grocery_list.txt". 
Read the names and quantities of items from the text file. 
Prompt the user for the amount of money that they currently have. 
Until the shopper decides to exit, do the following: 
o Display a menu with the currently stocked items, their cost, and their quantities. 
o Ask the shopper what they'd like to add to their cart. 
o If the item exists and there is sufficient quantity, add the item to their cart. 
o If the item does not exist, let the user that the item is not in stock. 
o If the item costs more than what the users has, let the user know that they have insufficient funds to make the purchase. 
o Update the list of items currently in stock to reflect the new quantities. 
After the user has decided to exit, display the current contents of the shopping cart along with how much was spent and how much money the user has left over. 
Note that the program should also write back to "grocery_list.txt" with the updated quantity of items. 
grocery_list.txt file contains text

Reference no: EM1364972

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