Reference no: EM132532823 , Length: word count:2500
GRM5032 Work Experience with Personal Development Planning Assignment - Gulf College, Oman
Assessment Title - Reflective Reports and Logs
Aim(s) - The aim of this module is to:
Enable students to develop a greater understanding of the world of work, through which students will be able to develop their problem-solving, self-analytical, self-reflection, interpersonal and communication skills by drawing on the experience of a workplace setting.
Enhance student's awareness of the requirements of future career options and how to plan to meet these.
Provide authentic learning situations in which students articulate their skills, attributes, knowledge and experience in written form and verbally within a framework of employer requirements.
Learning Outcomes - Upon satisfactory completion of this module, the student should be able to:
Analyse the organisation's structure, determining strengths and weaknesses and reflecting upon the application of theory to work based projects;
Evaluate their personal contribution to the organisation via the completion of a project or primary research;
Describe the skills gained through the work placement and their transferability to other employment, their programme of study and life situations. Demonstrate both the process and outcomes of reflection through the use of a reflective log, and produce a report reflecting upon the completion of a project or primary research which also enables demonstration of the learning which has taken place throughout the work experience.
Articulate, through a presentation and practice application, research undertaken into the requirements of a specific career path and evidence of current strengths, development areas and plans in relation to graduate skills, attributes and work experience.
Assignment Task - Student is required to prepare a 2500 words reflective report based on their work placement experience. Following is the structure of the report:
Structure of Reflective Report
1 Background of the Organisation (500 words)
Provide a brief description of the company including mission, vision, core values, nature of the business, location, products and services, organisational chart and any other details that are important.
2 Details of Work Experience (500 words)
a) In this part, student needs to write about the section/department/centre he/she worked during training and the nature of work assigned to him/her during the work experience.
b) In this part, the student needs to write about day to day activities which was performed during work experience training (it needs to be related to the timesheet)
3 Reflection on Work Experience (1000 words)
a) In this part, the student needs to prepare a SWOT analysis of the department assigned to him/her during work experience.
b) Reflect on the new skills the student developed during the work experience.
c) Reflect on the skills and knowledge that the student needs to enhance further.
d) Discuss the main challenge student faced during work experience and how did the student handle it.
e) Reflect on how the work experience helped the student to understand the real world of work.
4. Conclusion and Recommendation (500 words)
In this part, student needs to write a good conclusion about the work experience. Make some recommendation to the company and the other fellow students.
5. References
Student is required to provide at least 4 references as per the Harvard Style.
Appendices (compulsory)
a. Certificate of Training Completion issued by the work experience organisation on company's letter head
b. Weekly Timesheet showing the 160 hours of training, indicating the progression of experiences through the duties or work assignment.
c. Work Placement Evaluation filled by the immediate supervisor during the work experience.
Attachment:- Work Experience with Personal Development Planning Assignent File.rar