Gravimetric composition and properties

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13943698

Combustion problem

-12 the gravimetric composition and properties of two different typical fuels i.e. coal and fuel oil is tabulated below- Parameters coal fuel oil Composition weight% -- C 76 85 H 4.5 11.5 S 0.5 3.5 N 1.0 -- O 3.0 --- ASH 10.0 -- Moisture 5.0 ---- Other relavant data- air used for complete combustion theoretical air theoretical air flue gas temp. leaving the furnace ,oc 550 550 ambient temperature , oc 15 15 Gross ,C.V, , kcal/kg 7200 10100 V.M on d.a.f basis 30% --- Viscosity , centistokes

Reference no: EM13943698

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Gravimetric composition and properties : -12 the gravimetric composition and properties of two different typical fuels i.e. coal and fuel oil is tabulated below- Parameters coal fuel oil Composition weight% -- C 76 85 H 4.5 11.5 S 0.5 3.5 N 1.0 -- O 3.0
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