Graph a line chart using an arithmetic scale for vlo

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131231914

Gather open, high, low, and closing prices for Valero Energy Corp (VLO) for the period from September 2007 to September 2010. Gather this data for daily, weekly, and monthly quotes. provides this information;

just put in the ticker symbol VLO and click the Historical Prices option. This data can be downloaded into a spreadsheet for easy manipulation. Be aware that the period specified starts with the newest figures first. If you want to read the data sequentially in time, the data must be sorted by date.

a. Graph a line chart using an arithmetic scale for VLO using the daily closing prices.

b. Graph a line chart using an arithmetic scale for VLO using the weekly closing prices.

c. Graph a line chart using an arithmetic scale for VLO using the monthly closing prices.

d. What type of information can you gather about VLO stock by looking at these three graphs?

e. What differences do you notice in the three charts that you created?

Reference no: EM131231914

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