Governance and regulatory environment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133201214

Georgina is contracted by a Web design consultancy company to interview their staff to ascertain their current knowledge.  The aim of the study is to inform the company about the type of training courses they need to implement. The aim of the study therefore is to highlight areas of overall weakness as opposed to individual shortcomings.  Despite this, the type of data collected will be able to identify individual weaknesses. Georgina advised all interviewees that all information gathered from interviewees would remain private. Following the study, the  Senior Vice President of the company, Gopal approaches Georgina and asks: "Who did well and who didn't in this study?"  Georgina refuses to answer Gopal's question on privacy grounds.  In his response, Gopal implies that Georgina won't get another contract with the company if she continues to "hold out on him".

What professional ethical dilemmas are Georgina and Gopal dealing with here?  (e.g.  Should we allow or sanction Georgina or Gopal's behaviour?  Is there a public interest question raised by this scenario?  What actions do everyone involved need to take to ensure that this kind of situation does not occur again?

Section 1 - Thomas White's Framework

This section aims to apply Thomas White's framework to make an analysis of your allocated Case Study. Make sure you have read Topic 3 before attempting this section.

  1.  Read the Thomas White article, "Resolving an Ethical Dilemma," before attempting the assignment.  The article explains the key concepts and processes you will need to use.
  2. Read your assigned Case Study from Assignment 1, Part 1.
  3. Use the Template and Thomas White's framework to make an analysis of your individual case study. 
  4. Note: You need to provide responses in all three fields of the form (1,2, & 3). You should input 350-500 words total in this section.

Section 2 - The Governance and Regulatory Environment

This section deals with applying the ACS Code of Conduct and the Australian Regulatory Framework (Legislation and AS/ISO Standards).  Make sure you have read Topic 4 before attempting this section. See additional links to reference materials at the conclusion of these instructions.

  1.  Fill in the boxes on the assignment page as per the instructions.
  2. Cite all the relevant clauses along with each sub-clause applicable to your allocated Case Study.
  3. Provide a short supporting statement as to why you selected each clause and sub-clause of the ACS Code of Conduct.
  4. Provide a short supporting statement as to why you selected the legislation (Acts of Parliament), Regulations, and ISO/IEC Standards.

Section 3 - Justifying a Decision and Recommending Appropriate Action

This section of the assignment focuses on what you think are the most appropriate responses to the dilemma.  Section 3 is your chance to have a say on the issues involved.  You should be brief but to the point here.  We encourage you to reflect here, so don't be too worried about going over the word limit.  You will not be penalised for doing so.

  1.  Make short text responses to the five (5) questions in the spaces provided.
  2. Each response should be between 50 - 80 words (Total 400 words approx.).
  3. This is your opportunity to exercise and express your own professional judgment and opinions on what needs to be done

Reference no: EM133201214

Questions Cloud

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Governance and regulatory environment : Georgina is contracted by a Web design consultancy company to interview their staff to ascertain their current knowledge. The aim of the study is to inform the
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