Reference no: EM132922834
Every time a customer flies, their information is stored using a system call PaxIS. The IATA (International Air Transport Authority) records, stores and then provides (sells) this information to various willing airlines. Imagine a single repository capturing EVERY passenger on every flight from every (almost) country (163 at present). Airline by all accounts are eager to obtain this information, more so from a competitive vantage point, as they want to see how they stack up against the other airlines. This has the added benefit by allowing the microscope to turn back into their enterprise and evaluate the internal processes and procedures. Having insight into others pricing, scheduling, marketing, fleet size and compliment, is invaluable as each company fights for every consumer dollar in hopes of increasing their market share as best as possible. While PaxIS no longer exists in its original form the conceptual premise is still alive, well and flourishing through a myriad of different platforms. Another example of leveraging proprietary data is web sales or online consumer transactions. The modern global economy was well on its way to being dominated by online exchanges (thank you Amazon), but the onset of the coronavirus pandemic sped the transition up faster than anyone could have predicted. There may be a resurgence in physical face to face shopping due to a year plus cabin fever effect, online marketplaces are not going anywhere. Therefore the value of consumer transactional data is immense. Habits, tendencies, and preferences for the over two (B)illion shoppers in 2020, equates to a massive data insight into how best to market and attract their data.
Web Data is, this answer is both easy and difficult to answer. Web data to me encompasses every byte of movement and interaction that occurs from the user. This is not merely, sales recorded or PII entered, but rather sites viewed, products researched, travel potentially planned, queries answered, etc. Intrusive? Yes, absolutely. This is my answer to the question but not what I believe to be ethically viable as personal privacy is a major sticking point with me. In previous classes we discussed adaptive marketing and dynamic pricing. In the era of web based economies I believe it to be fair game for companies to utilize web data to both bring to the market the best products and at the price best served by the consumer and producer alike. The optimal cost is not always the greatest and this is transparently known by both parties. If the product is inelastic, and demand rises, companies should be able to seize the moment and profit. The rationale behind my thinking is that demand trend is not infinite and those moments of elevation allow for business survival when the situation is reversed.
Google analytics is a web based service the enables an embedded with all Google based systems and software to provide a return on investment greater than its competition. Given that Google is the premier searching and sharing platform, its natural integration is inherent. Google Analytics platform is one-stop shopping as its capabilities lie within 31 different metrics across 7 functional areas. The end user is provided with performance metrics in many different areas, providing immense value to the business as a whole. The old saying, "I'd rather have it and not need it, versus need it and not have it" comes to mind when diving into the behemoth that is Google Analytics.