Good for hosting microbrewery tours

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133246010

Display each brewer's name along with the minimum, maximum, and average alcohol by volume (ABV) of its beers. Exclude any beers with an ABV of zero. Show the brewers with the highest average ABV first.

Find which cities would be good for hosting microbrewery tours. A city must have at least 10 breweries to be considered. Display the city's name as well as how many breweries are in the city. Show cities with the most breweries first.

Display the name of all movies that have an IMDB rating of at least 8.0, with more than 100,000 IMDB votes, and were released from 2007 to 2013. Show the movies with the highest IMDB ratings first.

Display each brewer's name and how many beers they have associated with their brewery. Only include brewers that are located outside the United States and have more than the average number of beers from all breweries (excluding itself when calculating the average). Show the brewers with the most beers first. If there is a tie in number of beers, then sort by the brewers' names.

The movies database has two tables that contain data on fans (FANS_OLD and FANS). Due to a bug in our application, fans may have been entered into the old fans table rather then the new table. Find all fans that exist in the old fans table but not the new table. Use only the first and last name when comparing fans between the two tables.

Reference no: EM133246010

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