Goldman sachs asset management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133632198


Alex is a Portfolio Manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. He attended Brown University and there is a running joke amongst his colleagues that whenever he interviews a candidate of the same alma mater he walks out of the interview and says "smart candidate, definitely should consider" regardless of how the interview went. What type of Bias is this an example of? Review Later Social Emotional Self deception Cognitive.

Reference no: EM133632198

Questions Cloud

Human resource professional working for electronics firm : Hyunwoo is a human resource professional working for an electronics firm. She is studying various researches on group dynamics,
How changes are categorized constraint management : How changes are categorized constraint management movement Match the word on the right with the best/most appropriate phrase on the left.
How these laws might improve health in the kingdom : Locate three current laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that impact healthcare in the country. How these laws might improve health in the Kingdom?
What factors are important in helping residents establish : How does this affect crime and what can the police do to overcome it? What factors are most important in helping residents establish a sense of community?
Goldman sachs asset management : Alex is a Portfolio Manager at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. He attended Brown University and there is a running joke amongst his colleagues
Discusses the invisibility of workers with disabilities : What is said about the short video with Maysoon Zayid. In her video, Maysoon discusses the invisibility of workers with disabilities,
Interacting with clients : We mentioned 3 key ideas to always keep in mind when interacting with clients. Select all three key ideas.
What are benefits of having culturally diverse workforce : What are benefits of having a culturally diverse workforce? how you go about combatting resistance to promoting workplace diversity, equity and inclusion.
What are major social insurance programs : What are the major social insurance programs related to the workplace and what do these programs do?


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Business Management Questions & Answers

  Explain how the issue affects you at a personal level

Describe how the issue affects you at a personal level and how you might handle the issue from a managerial perspective. Limit writing in first person.

  Advantages and disadvantages regarding the division of labor

Discuss three specific advantages and disadvantages regarding the division of labor?

  Authority for a contractor claiming copyright on a piece

What case can be used as an authority for a contractor claiming copyright on a piece of work they created outside not work house of they employer.

  Considering their code of ethics

Considering their code of ethics, compare the mission of the following IT professional organization: ACM, IEEE, AITP, and PMI.

  What type of money would you say the rai stones are

1) What type of money would you say the Rai stones are? Are they commodity money? Are they fiat currency? Why or why not?

  How is art being used as a tool to help people

How is art being used as a tool to help people in each of these projects: Children's Healing Art Project Hospital Programs, Alice Project Prison Arts Collective

  Can leaders really motivate employees

Can leaders really motivate employees? If so, how and for how long? Is there a way to create and sustain a motivating environment that will also help retain talent? What is it? How does it work?

  What are the five stages of team development

What are the five stages of team development? Describe each stage and what might be involved in a health care setting. Please use citation and reference.

  Responsible for the decline in the film industry

Within Porter's model, which factor was most responsible for the decline in the film industry, and by extension Kodak's demise in this industry?

  Perceptual distortions discussed

Choose one of the perceptual distortions discussed (stereotypes, selective attention, halo effect, primary effect, recency effect, contrast effect, project, sel

  Analysis of bad leadership from a leader

An analysis of bad leadership from a leader (ex. operation manager) - define the leadership approaches, traits, styles, and tasks accomplished/effected within a

  Engaging in unethical behavior

Think about a situation in which you have witnessed someone engaging in unethical behavior but you failed to do anything about it.

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