Goals of the us foreign policy

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Reference no: EM133212310

1. The goals of the U.S foreign policy include

  1. All of these
  2. None of these
  3. Securing access to foreign markets 
  4. Keeping the country safe
  5. Protecting human rights

2. Congress exerts control on foreign policy through all of the following except

  1. Approving treaties
  2. Oversight hearings
  3. Approving all military deployments
  4. Appropriating funds
  5. Confirming appointments

3. The conflict in _________ caused Americans to question the policy containment 

  1. Korea
  2. Iraq
  3. Vietnam
  4. Israel
  5. Panama 

4. Which of the following places are emerging challenges for the united states in foreign policy

  1. North Africa and middle east
  2. Russia
  3. Europe
  4. All of these
  5. China 

5. The current state-administered welfare program that uses federal grants for funding is called

  1. Aid to families with dependent children
  2. Federal program to eliminate poverty
  3. Supplemental security income
  4. Temporary assistance for needy families
  5. Keynesian economic fund

6. Chief responsibility for the development and implementation of monetary policy lies with the

  1. Congress
  2. Commence department
  3. Federal reserve board
  4. President
  5. Treasury department 

7. The annual budget of the U.S national government currently totals approximately

  1. $1 trillion
  2. $30 trillion
  3. $600 million
  4. $600 billion
  5. $6 trillion

8. Which cabinet-level department has primary responsibility for U.S foreign policy

  1. Homeland security
  2. Justice
  3. Central intelligence agency
  4. State
  5. Defense

09. What is the most serious common threat posed to the united states by b both Iran and north korea?

  1. Trade wars
  2. Oil exports
  3. Terrorism
  4. Communism
  5. Nuclear ambitions 

10. An international governmental organization created shortly before the end of world war II to guarantee security and to promote global economic, physical and social well-being is called the

  1. International security council 
  2. United Nations
  3. North Atlantic treaty organization
  4. War one terror
  5. International intelligence tribunal

11. In the federal reserve board wanted to increase the money supply, it would probably be in response to 

  1. An order by the U.S supreme court
  2. A demand from congress or the president of the U.S
  3. The need to stimulate the economy
  4. Their concern of inflation
  5. The need to "slow down" the economy

12. Terrorism from Isis has happened mainly through 

  1. Individuals that act alone in smaller attacks
  2. Large, conditional attacks against governments in different parts of the world
  3. None of these
  4. Is large standing army that often threatens U.S. troops
  5. Cyber attacks on computer system

13. The doctrine of laissez-faire as it applies to government regulation of the economy

  1. Had no impact on the U.S economic policy in the 1800s
  2. Hold the consumers and workers would fare better if the economy were regulated buy the government
  3. Holds that government regulation of the economy is wrong
  4. Has been regularly applied to communist systems
  5. Was applied completely through the 1800s

14. The president's impact is felt most on the federal reserve board by the fact that the

  1. Board actions may be vetoed by the president, just like congressional legislation
  2. President becomes a member of the board after he leaves office
  3. President is a member of the board
  4. Board is a cabinet department in the executive, giving the president complete control over federal reserve operations
  5. President nominates board members to fourteen year term

15. Which of the following issues has not been a concern of the united states since the end of the cold war?

  1. Internet and information systems security
  2. The proliferation of chemical weapons
  3. The proliferation of biological weapons
  4. Curtailing illegal drug production in central and south america
  5. None these- all remain a significant concern in the U.S

16. Problem recognition 

  1. Is not necessarily critical to the policy-making process
  2. Is the last stage of the policy-making process
  3. Requires governmental intervention
  4. Is a step that can occur during anytime of the policy-making process
  5. Is the first stage of the policy-making process

17. The Marshall plan, north atlantic treaty organizations, and the U.S actions in Korea during the 1950s are example of the grand strategy of

  1. United Nations multilateralism
  2. A bottom-up review
  3. Containment
  4. The Monroe doctrine
  5. Isolationism 

18. When it came to foreign policy, the framers original intent was to

  1. Give the states the foreign policy powers
  2. Divide foreign policy powers between congress and the president
  3. Give all foreign policy powers to congress
  4. Give all foreign policy powers to the president
  5. Give the states and the national government equal foreign policy powers 

19. The national debt is the

  1. Amount of excess expenditures in the budget
  2. None of these
  3. Amount of excess income in the budget
  4. Cumulative amount of money the federal government owes
  5. Difference between expenditures and outlays

20. The cold war was

  1. A war of direct combat between the U.S and soviet union that started after world war II and continued for more than 45 years
  2. Another term used to describe relations between Japan and the U.S prior to the world war II
  3. The political, ideological and economic impasse between the soviet union and the U.S that began after world war II
  4. The start of the Russian revolution in 1917
  5. The U.S attack on Russia that began after the world war And continued until the start of the world war II

21. By the end of the 1960s and a result of the Vietnam war, Americans

  1. Came convinced of the American military superiority
  2. Demanded additional military spending
  3. Remained completely convinced that containing communism should be America's goal
  4. Became less optimistic

22. Reform under affordable care act (obama care) is focused on

  1. Affordable health insurance
  2. Privatization all healthcare
  3. Socializing the medical profession
  4. Government ownership of the pharmaceutical industry
  5. Community-based free clinics

23. Which of the following statements regarding Public policy is false?

  1. The tortuous nature of congressional policy adoption means that lawmaking tends to be slow and 
  2. Social welfare policy includes issues such as income security, healthcare, and public education
  3. Interest groups are major actors and initiators in the public policy process
  4. Most public policies are implemented and administered by the congress
  5. Many public policy programs suffer due to inadequate funding

24. Which of the following statements is true about the current national budget?

  1. The budget totals approximately $4 trillion and is expected to have a large surplus
  2. The budget totals about $6 trillion and is expected to have a large deficit 
  3. The current fiscal year budget is the lowest it's been in decades
  4. The national government does not plan to borrow any money to fund the budget
  5. Compared to previous year's budgets, interest payment on the national debt have been significantly reduced

25. The federal government's policies on taxes, spending, and debt management are known as

  1. Debt policy
  2. Fiscal policy 
  3. Tax policy
  4. Monetary policy
  5. Economic policy

26. When the government utilizes the federal reserve to control, the supply of money and interest rates, it is utilizing which tool for managing 

  1. Monetary policy
  2. Consumerism
  3. None of these
  4. Fiscal policy
  5. Laissez-faire policy

27. Which of the following is a means-tested entitlement program?

  1. None of these. All are non-means-based programs
  2. Medicare
  3. Social security
  4. Supplementary security income
  5. Unemployment insurance

28. The organization that serves the president by giving him advice on foreign and military affairs, and made up of such individual as the secretaries of defense and state is the

  1. National security council (NSC)
  2. Foreign aid department
  3. Central intelligence agency (CIA)
  4. Agency for the international development (AID)
  5. National economic council (NEC)

29. Which of the following places are emerging challenges for the united states in foreign policy?

  1. Europe
  2. All of these
  3. Russia
  4. North Africa and middle east
  5. China

30. In a typical fiscal year budget, as illustrated in our readings, the national government gets the greatest percentage of its funds from

  1. Borrowing
  2. Sale taxes
  3. Excise taxes
  4. Corporate income taxes
  5. Individual income taxes

31. the federal social security system is basically

  1. Non-existent now duets reforms that took place 1996
  2. Where individuals pay into a fund in their name and draw on the account after retiring 
  3. A subsidized program of income maintenance for the poor
  4. A progressive tax program set up to care for windows and orphans 
  5. A pay-as-you-go transfer system in which those who are working pay for those who are retired 

32. Why is china an emerging challenge for the united states?

  1. Allies are switching their allegiance from the U.S to china
  2. All of these are reasons china is an emerging challenge
  3. Their economy is large, and they finance a lot ofU.S debt
  4. The sponsor terrorism that affects Americans
  5. They routinely exercise very aggressive military maneuvers 

33. Unemployment insurance payments

  1. Are available to all unemployed persons seeking work 
  2. Are most generous in southern states
  3. Vary based on unemployment rates
  4. Are subject to mandated minimum set by the federal government
  5. Vary dramatically by state

34. The economic theory that when consumer and business spending is inadequate, government should make up the shortfall by increasing spending in excess of revenue is 

  1. Keynesian economics
  2. Laissez-faire economics
  3. Communism
  4. Conservative economics
  5. Demand-side economics 

34. Embassies, consulates, ambassadors, and foreign service officers are all Part of the 

  1. Defense department
  2. Central intelligence (CIA)
  3. State department 
  4. Foreign aid department
  5. Agency for international development (AID)

35. Which of the following statements regarding U.S foreign policy is false?

  1. If congress does not like the way the president is executing foreign policy, congress can refuse to appropriate money for president policies
  2. All of these statements are false
  3. If the president wishes to address foreign policy crisis without using the military, he could opt for the use of diplomacy orchestrated by the department
  4. Foreign policy making is complicated by the competition between "guns" and "butter"
  5. None of these statements is false. They are all true

36. Income security programs intended to assist people whose income falls below a designated level are called

  1. Means-tested programs
  2. Social security and medicare
  3. Non-means-tested programs
  4. Social insurance statues
  5. Security assistance laws

37. Which of the following statements is true about the  current nation budget?

  1. Compared to previous year's budget, interest payments on the national debt have been ;significantly reduced
  2. The national government does not plan to borrow any money to fund the budget
  3. The budget totals about $6trillion and is expected to have a large deficit 
  4. The budget totals approximately $4 trillion and is expected too have a large surplus
  5. The current fiscal year budget is the lowest it's been in decades

38. Which of the following is NOT an example of a public policy outcome?

  1. None of these. All are public policy outcomes
  2. Trump administration decision to back out of the Iran nuclear deal
  3. Creation of a program to combat drug addiction
  4. Passage of the affordable care act (Obama Care)
  5. Passage of tax cuts during the trump presidency 

39. when the cold ended and prior to September 11, 2002, defense spending 

  1. None of these
  2. Was subject to large cutbacks
  3. Was enormously increasing
  4. Was decreasing, but not as much as it decreased after 2001
  5. Remained the same as it was during the cold war

Reference no: EM133212310

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