Goal of using media to teach character development

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131005281

From your reading, create a 1-page book review on "Spaghetti in a hot dog bun" by Maria Dismondy that addresses the following:

Describe the situation with enough detail to convey the basic plot and identified values, virtues, and/or morals.

Identify the aspects of character education clearly communicated through the text. What content of character education would be well taught with this text?

Identify the character-based issue(s) with which the protagonist had to grapple.

Include an appropriate explanation of how to implement this book into the curriculum OR classroom or workplace.

Be sure to include a reference for the text you reviewed should your peers want to track it down!

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

The second Paper is

Movies and videos provide opportunities for critical reflection and the development of media literacy. This activity will provide you with the opportunity to practice being a critical consumer of films as a form of media.

Reflect on the character lessons that can be learned (good or bad) by considering the character role models in your Coach Carter film, write a 1-page reflection that addresses the following:

Explain the fundamental elements of character, values, or virtues the lead character in your film exemplified.

Select one dilemma or issue your protagonist/character dealt with. How did his/her values or morals help or hinder the decision-making process in the example you selected?

With your core values in mind, what course of action as a moral model would you have taken in this particular case?

How does this movie support the goal of using media to teach character development?

How does the movie stand as an example of a text that could be used to teach critical reflection through media literacy?

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Please don't copy and paste for me as I trust you not to do that but will provide original work. Thank you!

Reference no: EM131005281

Questions Cloud

Expected return on the market : The Covariance between these two stocks is -.001. The expected return on the market is .15 with a standard deviation of .15. The risk free rate is .03. You can borrow and lend at this risk free rate.
Determine the value of the given integral directly : Determine the value of the integral directly. the trapezoidal rule estimate for n = 4. an upper bound for |ET|. the upper bound for |ET| as a percentage of the integral's true value.
Include any appropriate journal entries in your response : How might your solution differ if National Distribution Center prepares its financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards? Include any appropriate journal entries in your response.
Differences in the ethical and values-driven considerations : Evaluate differences in the ethical and values-driven considerations of the two types of organization development practitioners, as well as the different ways each type of practitioner might deal with ethical dilemmas
Goal of using media to teach character development : Movies and videos provide opportunities for critical reflection and the development of media literacy. This activity will provide you with the opportunity to practice being a critical consumer of films as a form of media.
Should population be controlled for environmental reasons : Should human population be controlled for environmental reasons? On CULearn there is a short paper by Garrett Hardin entitled "Carrying Capacity and Quality of Life."
National distribution center sold its office building : To raise operating funds, National Distribution Center sold its office building to an insurance company on January 1, 2011, for $800,000 and immediately leased the building back.
Develop a control strategy for the project proposal : Develop a control strategy for the project proposal chosen by the team. Address the following components in the control strategy: Project evaluation, Project schedule and Budget control
How might your solution differ if national distribution : How might your solution differ if National Distribution Center prepares its financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards? Include any appropriate journal entries in your response.


Write a Review

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