Goal of Affordable Care Act

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Reference no: EM133647467


What was the purpose/goal of Affordable Care Act (ACA)? What are Two benefits/pros of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? What is One disadvantage of the Affordable Car Act (ACA)?

Reference no: EM133647467

Questions Cloud

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Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority : The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) should act in the interest of the consumer.
Collective violence and protest policing : What is Mansley's idea on conceptualization of democracy and the role it plays in both collective violence and protest policing,
United States takes on fully-fledged UHC : What do you feel were the strongest parts of ACA? Do you think there is anything to gain or lose if the United States takes on a fully-fledged UHC?
Goal of Affordable Care Act : What was the purpose/goal of Affordable Care Act (ACA)? What are Two benefits/pros of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
Reflect temporal rather than permanent conditions : Each of the major IR theory war and peace paradigms is rooted in specific eras and reflect temporal rather than permanent conditions.
Explain the shifting understanding of rights : Explain the shifting understanding of rights in the United States. Especially explain "incorporation."
Political polarization on American democracy : Much has been written on the negative impact of political polarization on American democracy. Of special concern is polarization rooted in distrust
Resources for victims of sexual assault : Why is it in the best interest of the government/organization to strengthen protections and resources for victims of sexual assault?


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