Reference no: EM132604379 , Length: word count:2500
International Management
Chosen country is ALGERIA
Supplementary (Resit) Assignment BST 453 - Globalisation and the Management of Labour
For your resit assignment on Module BST 453 you will write an individual essay of no more than 2,500 words in length.
Your task is to select an African country and answer the following question:
To what extent does foreign direct investment generate good employment and provide economic benefits for the general working population of your chosen country.
Please be clear that while you may refer back to the group discussions and group research that you undertook during your studies for this module, it is essential that you write an original piece of work. Direct quotation from source texts is not acceptable, nor is the reproduction of shared group notes.
To what extent - this involves you in weighing the evidence and arriving at an informed assessment of the degree to which foreign direct investment generates good employment and provides economic benefits or the general working population of your chosen country?'
You should define what 'foreign direct investment' is and then consider how much FDI there is in your chosen country and which industries have the highest rates of FDI. Next, think about what those industries deliver in terms of wealth and economic development for the general working population. Does FDI improve the economy as a whole while the You should define what 'foreign direct investment' is and then consider how much FDI there is in your chosen country and which industries have the highest rates of FDI. Next, think about what those industries deliver in terms of wealth and economic development for the general working population Does FDI improve the economy as a whole while the wealth gap grows and the wealth of FDI is concentrated in a few hands - among a small elite - or does it contribute to development of infrastructure, higher wages etc. more generally, throughout society? If so, why? If not, why?
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