Global village field critique

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Reference no: EM132738243

Global Village Field Critique

The most important thing to do when attending the arts event that you will be reviewing is to be able to communicate in a way that demonstrates active attention and participation with the work. In order to help with this, you might consider taking a pen and note pad with you. As you experience the event make notes to yourself of things that strike you. The things you notice may be something that you like or dislike; whether your opinion is positive or negative is unimportant. What matters is how you back up your assertions and opinions. In addition, I need to know how the work contributes to society/humanity, whether positive or negative, and what you perceive as the value of the piece. For better or worse, art is a commentary on our current society and is a reflection of the current state of affairs that we experience.

You must select a work that is displayed in a public forum. You may go to the Art Institute, National Museum of Mexican Art, Cultural Center, etc if you wish, but you may also choose a work that is in a public place. This includes parks, galleries, bars, etc.. This assignment will not only have you doing formal criticism, but also contextual criticism. Contextual criticism is all about context. Here you will be able to dive into the artist's life. What was going on during the time that they created the work of art you are analyzing? How did this effect the artist's choices when putting together their piece? How did society react to the piece when it was presented to the public? This allows yourself and the reader a better understanding of the work and will help you analyze some aspects of it that might not be apparent at first glance.

Before you write:
Choose a work of art that you are interested in to critique. Make sure you select a work of art that is researchable so you have enough material to do not only formal criticism but also contextual. Choosing a work that you are not excited about, and or is too obscure to research will make doing this assignment very difficult. If you have any questions you can email me and we can discuss the art work you are thinking of critiquing.


• You must utilize formal and contextual criticism when analyzing the work of art you are discussing. You will need to point out no less than four formal elements when analyzing the piece you are critiquing.

• The artwork you choose to needs to be experienced and viewed within the time frame of this course.

• Choose a work of art that is NOT from the Greco-Roman western art tradition. In other words, you cannot choose any works that are from North America or Europe.

• Length of this assignment needs to no less than 1500 words.

• Your paper and works cited must follow MLA format.

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Reference no: EM132738243

Questions Cloud

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Global village field critique : Global Village Field Critique - How did this effect the artist's choices when putting together their piece? How did society react to the piece
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How do these elements help you interpret the work : How do these elements help you interpret the work and Do you think that the execution and arrangement of these elements make the work successful


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