Global marketing analysis on the irish development agency

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131243007 , Length: word count:4500


Case study 

You will be allocated a Global Organization.

Prepare a Global marketing analysis on given Agency.

The company I need to use for this assignment is "The Irish Development Agency".

Structure you need to be add in the paper.

External analysis

Internal analysis

Opportunity Identification


Marketing mix

Cultural Overview

Include all those theories and marketing models for The Irish Development Agency.

This is not a PR puff piece -

To often the prime source that students use is the Company itself.

This results in a biased analysis often promoting the Company's own biased view.

Your not a publicist you're an analyst

Problems in most sections

External environment - more on Strict regulation

Competition - totally ignored all routes other than the USA and even for the USA non Heathrow routes ignored

Positioning - competitors underestimated

Targeting - Global elite and first class business are not targets - missed

Segmentation - only Economy and business segments - to specific destinations missed

M Mix - different mix used in two models?

Product offering - no demonstration of an understanding of the product offering, no analysis, of core and enhancing service provision

Branding no analysis and demonstration of how the core values led to unique enhanced service provision

Culture, Non Western Customer Cultural implications not given enough attention.

Word count 4500 max.

Assignment -

Reference no: EM131243007

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10/15/2016 2:27:27 AM

Attached is a ppt of my assignment details. Word count 4500 max. The company I need to use for this assignment is "The Irish Development Agency". Slide 79 in the ppt shows everything that needs to be in the paper. Include all those theories and marketing models for The Irish Development Agency.

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