Reference no: EM131223902
Global Business Project: Country Analysis Report This assignment is designed to familiarize students with other cultures, world issues, international trade, international politics, and geography. My country is Japan and we must prepare an eight- to 10-page, typed, double-spaced country analysis report on the cultural analysis and country evaluation in order to understand a country environment in which organizations operate.
To complete the country analysis report, you will investigate a Japan, by addressing the following criteria:
a. Physical Characteristics: Geography, topography, climate, and natural advantages or disadvantages
b. Population: Number of people, religion(s), race, age distribution, education level, state of health, labor skills, standard of living, and so forth
c. Politics: Form of government, number of political parties, stability (i.e., political risk), major political goals of the present administration, and quality of government services/bureaucracy
d. Economics: Relative importance of agriculture, manufacturing, commercial, service, and government sectors; gross domestic product (GDP) or gross national product (GNP); rate of growth; per capita income; working conditions; inflation; current account; deficits; balance of payments (BOP); trade restrictions; and membership in regional and international economic groups
e. Sociocultural Patterns: Interacting with class systems, racial conflicts, and so forth
f. Legal System: Basis of local laws and impact on job effectiveness, particularly in patents, trademarks, and other conventions
g. Marketing and Corporate Communications: Distribution infrastructure such as types of retailing, wholesaling, and other key channels of distribution that are available; type and quality of media available for promotion, including public relations (PR) outlets; and type and quality of advertising, marketing research, and PR assistance available
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Global business project
: Global Business Project: Country Analysis Report This assignment is designed to familiarize students with other cultures, world issues, international trade, international politics, and geography.
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