Reference no: EM133236292
Jaron Lanier - How we need to remake the Internet - TED Talk
Michael Anti/Jing Zhao - Great Chinese Firewall - TED Talk
Glenn Greenwald TED Talk - Why Privacy Matters
In his TED talk Greenwald argues against the idea that only people who have something to hide need privacy and that we all have things to hide and this is not a bad thing. Explain what he means?
According to Wacks, privacy is not an unqualified good but a dilemma. What are the severn shortcoming of privacy identified by Wacks?
What does Lanier mean by "behavior modification empires" and how do they work?
What does David Lyon mean by "function creep" in the contex of surveillance?
What is a panopticon? Describe in the context of surveillance.
What does Anti/Zhao mean by "smart censorship" in the context of China's Internet policy?
What are false amplifiers and how are they different from false news (ref. Lanchester article)?